One such renowned research institute catering to the study and preservation of camels in India is the ICAR National Research Centre on Camel (NRCC) at Bikaner, Rajasthan. It is a very special kind of research center that plays an important role in advancing our knowledge of the biology, breeding, and health of camels. It is an important institution for the scientific community as well as for the agricultural sector since camels play a vital role in rural life, especially in the arid and semi-arid regions of India.
Here, we would be discussing the history, objectives, research, and importance of National Research Centre on Camels Bikaner that contribute to the conservation and amelioration of camel populations in India.
Importance of Camels in India
Camels are called the "ships of the desert" as they have the outstanding ability to live in the deserts of areas like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Haryana. They were used for several purposes, which included transportation, agriculture, and milk production besides their use in cultural events, such as racing and festivals of camels. Additionally, the milk is of a great nutritional value and camel leather is used in manufacturing products such as shoes, handbags, and jackets.
The major challenge which camels have to face is a population decrease, health problems, and scarce land for grazing purposes. It made research work indispensable to be performed on camels to eliminate such challenges for its survival. Now, comes in the scenario with the establishment of NRCC.
The National Research Centre on Camel Bikaner Background and Foundation
The National Research Centre on Camel Bikaner was established in 1984 by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) to focus on research and development related to camels. The center was set up with the goal of improving camel health, breeding, and management practices, as well as conserving the species. Over the years, the institute has expanded its research activities and become a hub for camel-related studies.
It sits in the city of Bikaner, which has one of the most well-known camel populations with arid landscapes. The institute is strategically positioned to become the country's top research institute for camels. The overall objective of the institute is the better productivity of camels with concern for their welfare and preservation amid environmental challenges.
Research Areas at the NRCC
The ICAR National Research Centre on Camel conducts research in various fields to enhance the health, breeding, and productivity of camels. The major areas of research include the following:
1. Breeding and Genetics
The major focus of the NRCC is to enhance breeding practices of camels. The center researches into the genetics of camels and looks into various factors such as disease resistance, reproductive health, and overall fitness. Understanding the genetic makeup of camels will enable researchers at the NRCC to develop better breeding programs that yield healthier and more productive camels. This helps improve camel populations and ensures their survival for generations to come.
2. Health and Disease Management
Camels are prone to several diseases, both parasitic in origin, and some that are virus-causing and also some bacterial origins. The NRCC conducts studies of great volumes in camel health research, from methods of combating the diseases with treatment to discovering immune systems on camels in terms of general common diseases of the animal. Offering improved healthcare is meant to have an impact, and in reducing the high mortality rate seen among camels.
3. Nutrition and Feed Management
Camels, being large desert animals, are hard to feed in areas of harsh desert climates, and sufficient grazing land can be difficult to find. To counter this challenge, the NRCC emphasizes the nutritional needs of camels, finding out the ideal feed and forage for their health and productivity. This research center is also exploring supplements for camels that will boost their milk yield, weight, and overall body condition. The study in this field is essential because it provides enough nutrition to camels, irrespective of the limitations in the area.
4. Camel Milk Production
Camel milk is considered a superfood due to its high nutritional value and therapeutic properties. The NRCC has carried out research on the production of camel milk, with a focus on enhancing the amount and quality of milk that camels produce. This has been achieved through studying milking techniques, lactation cycles, and nutrition and health impacts on milk yield. Improving camel milk production will have an added benefit on the rural economies.
5. Camel Management and Conservation
Besides raising the health condition and productivity level of camels, the NRCC is also conserving camel numbers in India. Camels, for years have been declining both because of human-induced factors and natural factors such as overexploitation, environmental degradation, and loss of grazing land. NRCC does research on camel management in a sustainable and conserving manner. It seeks ways on how its population could be preserved without losing its value to the economy and culture of Rajasthan and other states. Conservation measures include establishing breeding farms for camels as well as promoting camel raising in an ecological-friendly way with the animals.
Achievements and Contributions of the NRCC
The National Research Centre on Camel has made many significant contributions to the field of camel research. Some of the notable achievements include:
Camel Genetic Improvement: The NRCC has developed improved camel breeds with better milk production and disease resistance. These advancements in camel breeding have helped improve the productivity of camels and have contributed to the conservation of indigenous camel breeds.
Camel Milk Production Technology: The center has developed and promoted technologies for improving camel milk production and processing. This includes the development of milk preservation techniques and ways to enhance the shelf life of camel milk.
Veterinary Health Interventions: The NRCC has made significant strides in improving the health of camels through research on vaccines, treatments for parasitic infections, and management practices to prevent diseases.
Awareness and Training: The NRCC interacts with camel farmers and breeders actively, informing them about best practices in rearing, breeding, and health management of camels. This has resulted in the improvement of livelihoods for people who make a living out of camels.
Future of Camel Research in India
With expanded research efforts within various areas ranging from camel breeding and genetics through nutrition and health management, it appears that the national center is concentrating on developing sustainability and efficiency through improved productivity as regard animal populations. Work is also now underway to be able to extend camel potential more towards climate changes and adaptation or survival in some of the drier, extremely hot climates and environments.
As India grapples with challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and demand for sustainable agriculture, camels will continue to be key players in rural economies. The future of camels in India looks bright as the NRCC ensures that future generations can also utilize this valuable resource.
The National Research Centre on Camel Bikaner does important research on camels and significantly assists in enhancing the lives of those who depend on them. Significant contributions to the health of camels, their breeding, and milk production make its contribution invaluable to the agricultural sector and the economy of Rajasthan as well as other regions. As the world struggles with its environment, research work at NRCC will provide survival and sustainable management of camels that will not only benefit the rural communities but also the environment as a whole.
While you are in Bikaner, a visit to the National Research Centre on Camel is fascinating as it will reveal the scientific world of camel research and what it is doing for the posterity of such great animals.

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