Why is HTTP Not Secure? HTTP vs. HTTPS
Why is HTTP Not Secure? HTTP vs. HTTPS
HTTPS is HTTP that includes encryption and verification. The sole difference between the two protocols is that HTTPS employs TLS (SSL) to encrypt and digitally sign standard HTTP requests and answers.

Why is HTTP Not Secure? HTTP vs. HTTPS

As a result, HTTPS is far more secure than HTTP. A website that uses HTTP has the URL http://, but one that uses HTTPS has https://.


What is HTTP?

HTTP is an abbreviation for Hypertext send Protocol, which is a protocol (or a prescribed sequence and syntax for presenting information) used to send data across a network. The HTTP protocol is used for the majority of Internet traffic, including website content and API calls. There are two types of HTTP messages: requests and responses.


What constitutes an HTTP request? What constitutes an HTTP response?

A user's browser generates HTTP requests when they interact with online properties. For example, when a user clicks on a hyperlink, the browser sends a sequence of "HTTP GET" requests to retrieve the content on that website. If someone searches "What is HTTP?" and this article appears in the search results, and they click on the link, their browser will generate and send a series of HTTP requests to obtain the information required to render the page. These HTTP requests are all routed to either an origin server or a proxy caching server, which will return an HTTP response. HTTP responses are the answers to HTTP requests.


What does a normal HTTP request look like?

An HTTP request is simply a series of lines of text that follow the HTTP protocol. This chunk of text, generated by the user's browser, is delivered over the Internet. The difficulty is that it's transferred unencrypted, which anyone watching the connection can read. (Those inexperienced with the HTTP protocol may struggle to understand this material, but anyone with a basic understanding of the protocol's instructions and syntax may readily read it). This is especially true when users

provide sensitive information via a website or web application. This might be a password, a credit card number, or any other data placed into a form, and HTTP sends it all in plaintext for anybody to view. (When a user submits a form, the browser converts it into an HTTP POST request rather than an HTTP GET request). If a website uses HTTP rather than HTTPS, anyone monitoring the session can read all requests and responses. Essentially, a malicious actor can read the content in a request or response and determine exactly what information is requested, provided, or received.


In HTTPS, how do TLS/SSL encrypt HTTP requests and responses?

TLS makes use of public key cryptography, which consists of two keys: a public key and a private key, with the public key exchanged with client devices via the server's SSL certificate. When a client connects to a server, the two devices use the public and private keys to agree on new keys, known as session keys, to encrypt future communications between them. All HTTP requests and responses are then encrypted using these session keys, allowing anyone who intercepts communications to view only a random string of characters rather than the plaintext.


How does HTTPS facilitate web server authentication?

Authentication entails determining whether a person or computer is who they claim to be. HTTP does not require identity verification; rather, it operates on the trust concept. HTTP's architects did not decide to implicitly trust all web servers; they just had priorities other than security at the time. However, on today's Internet, authentication is important. A private key certifies the identification of a server, just as an ID card does for people. When a client establishes a channel with an origin server (for example, when a user navigates to a website), possession of the private key that corresponds to the public key in a website's SSL certificate verifies that the server is the legal host of the website. 

This avoids or helps block a number of attacks that are available when there is no authentication, including:


  • On-path attacks.

  • DNS hijacking

  • BGP hijacking

  • Domain spoofing


What do they do to ensure website security?

HTTPS is more secure than HTTP because it encrypts information as it is transmitted between clients and servers. When an organisation uses HTTPS, whatever information you send, such as passwords or credit card data, is difficult for anyone to intercept. HTTP does not use encryption, therefore any data you send can be intercepted by someone else on the network. This is why a secure connection is required when sending sensitive data.


Why are SSL/TLS certificates necessary?

SSL/TLS certificates are crucial because they help to protect your information while it is transmitted over the Internet. They protect your data through a method known as secure encryption. SSL/TLS certificates are issued by Certificate Authorities (CAs). When you visit a website, your browser checks to determine if the SSL/TLS certificate is valid. If this is the case, the address bar will display a green padlock. Sensitive information should only be entered on websites with valid SSL/TLS certificates. This will help protect your information from hackers and identity thieves. While SSL/TLS certificates are not required for all websites, they are recommended for those that collect or transfer sensitive data. This includes e-commerce websites, social media platforms, and any other site that requires a login. If you're not sure whether your website requires an SSL/TLS certificate, ask your web hosting provider or an IT specialist for help.


How HTTPS facilitates web encryption.

Web encryption is the technique of encrypting information transmitted between a web server and a web browser. SSL/TLS certificates employ this method to safeguard sensitive data such as credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information. SSL/TLS certificates use safe encryption to protect information while it is transmitted over the Internet. Secure encryption is a type of data security that use mathematical techniques to encrypt and decrypt information. Secure encryption safeguards credit card numbers, passwords, and personal information. This information is encrypted into a code that can only be decrypted by the designated receiver. This makes it difficult for anyone to intercept and interpret the data.


Understanding the distinction between HTTP and HTTPS is useful not just for your company or business, but also for protecting your customers' and clients' information. HTTPS encrypts and decrypts both user page requests and Web server responses. This guards against man-in-the-middle attacks and ensures the secrecy of data transmitted between the browser and the website.


Contact Digital Cappuccino to know more about HTTP and HTTPS.


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