Cell Surface Markers Detection: Examining Cells and Tissues at the Molecular Level
cells have unique proteins and molecules displayed on their surface called cell
surface markers. These markers help identify cell types and functions.
Detecting cell surface markers through various techniques allows researchers to
classify and study cells. The discovery of new markers also helps uncover
unknown cell populations and pathways. Here we explore some key techniques used
for cell surface marker detection and how they advance our understanding of
health and disease.
Flow Cytometry for Cell Surface Markers
One of the most widely used techniques is flow cytometry. It utilizes the
scattering and fluorescent properties of light to characterize cells suspended
in fluid as they pass through a laser beam. Cells are first tagged with
fluorescent antibodies that bind to specific surface markers. Based on the
fluorescence emitted, thousands of individual cells can be analyzed at once for
multiple markers. This high-throughput multi-parameter analysis enables
researchers to identify rare cell populations and changes in marker expression
due to experimental treatments. For example, flow cytometry revealed subtypes
of immune cells and how their markers alter during infections. It is also used
in cancer research for detecting tumor markers and monitoring treatment
Imaging Flow Cytometry for Morphology
and Location Data
An advancement over conventional flow cytometry is imaging flow cytometry. In
addition to fluorescence, it captures high-resolution digital images of each
cell as it flows through the system. This provides information on cell
morphology, internal structures, and location of surface markers on different
areas of the cell membrane. Combining imaging capabilities with multiple marker
detection allows exploring how marker distribution relates to cell function and
development. Researchers have used it to observe tumor cell heterogeneity and track
viral entry processes at a single-cell level. The spatial context from imaging
flow cytometry expands our understanding beyond identifying cell types.
Mass Cytometry for Higher Dimensional
While flow/imaging flow cytometers can analyze around 12 markers
simultaneously, mass cytometry raises this ceiling significantly via elemental
metal isotope-tagged antibodies. Instead of fluorescence, it detects heavy
metal isotopes through their mass when ionized. Coupled with time-of-flight
mass spectrometry, over 40 surface markers can now be quantified per cell. cell
surface enabled more comprehensive profiling and dimensional
reduction techniques to discover unbiased cell types/states from thousands of
cells. Mass cytometry studies revealed new immune cell subsets and uncovered
pathogenic mechanisms in autoimmune diseases. The ability to interrogate cells
along many parameters is transforming systems immunology research.
Microfluidic Systems for Sensitive
Recent technological advances that miniaturize systems onto microfluidic chips
also show promise for cell surface marker analysis. These lab-on-a-chip devices
utilize microscale channels, pumps and valves to manipulate tiny volumes of
fluids. Compared to traditional benchtop instruments, microfluidics offer
advantages like ultra-low sample/reagent volumes, high-throughput capabilities,
and portability. Some sensitive detection techniques applied in microfluidic
assays include laser scanning cytometry, electrical impedance sensing, and
nanowire label-free detection. Researchers have developed microfluidic devices
to detect cancer biomarkers at the single-cell level with high specificity.
Such sensitive chip-based assays pave the way for noninvasive liquid biopsies
and point-of-care diagnostic applications.
New Markers Driven by Single-Cell
The rise of single-cell genomics, proteomics, and multi-omics techniques in
recent years is revolutionizing our understanding of cellular heterogeneity.
They permit comprehensive molecular profiling of individual cells without
disrupting cell identity. Examples include single-cell RNA sequencing to
analyze variable gene expression patterns, single-cell proteomics to identify
protein markers, and single-cell multi-omics to integrate different layers of
data. Leveraging these technologies, researchers continue discovering
previously unknown cell types, states, and novel surface proteins that may serve
as biomarkers. Some identified epithelial cancer stem cell markers showing
potential for targeted therapies. Going forward, single-cell approaches will
likely uncover many more protein markers critical for development, immunity and
analysis of cell surface markers holds tremendous value for both research and
industry applications. By closely examining the protein profiles expressed on
the outer membranes of cells, scientists can characterize cell lineages,
disease states, and track cells both in vitro and in vivo. This molecular level
of precision has enabled breakthroughs in understanding normal cell development
as well as diseases. Rapid progress in discovering novel marker proteins will
continue to advance fields like immunology, cancer research, and regenerative
medicine. With the wealth of information provided, cell surface marker
examination remains a powerful technique driving progress in biomedicine and
biotechnology industry.

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