The Environmental Benefits of Using Sawdust Briquettes as Fuel
The Environmental Benefits of Using Sawdust Briquettes as Fuel
Non-renewable energy sources are limited in this world and cause a lot of pollution by burning and hurting the environment. We are already seeing the consequences of carelessness toward our ecosystem, and now, this needs to change.

The Environmental Benefits of Using Sawdust Briquettes as Fuel

Non-renewable energy sources are limited in this world and cause a lot of pollution by burning and hurting the environment. We are already seeing the consequences of carelessness toward our ecosystem, and now, this needs to change. 

People are nowadays becoming sensitive to environmental issues, and they want to have a clean environment for future generations. A viable solution will be the use of an eco-friendly fuel. The way out is to recycle the waste material using a Sawdust Briquette Machine and turn it into an eco-friendly fuel named Sawdust briquettes.

What are sawdust briquettes?

Sawdust briquettes are a solid material used as fuel made from recycled sawdust having a high heat output with a longer burning time. This fuel is porous and has a low moisture content. The briquettes burn in a much cleaner way in comparison to wooden logs and coal. They are available at a cheap price too. So, this fuel is the best for environmental and economic reasons.  

The History of Briquettes

The history of briquettes goes back to 1865 when the first briquetting machine was invented. A machine was used to make the briquette fuel from the peat moss. The design was successful and became popular in Ireland. Peat briquettes are popular up to this day. The only disadvantage was the strong odor that was emitted while burning that fuel. It was a drawback for many individuals who did not prefer that smell. 


Taking a cue from this, the design was enhanced to make sawdust briquettes. It was a major discovery because sawdust briquettes burn in a cleaner way producing no odour. In present times, the briquettes are made of a much denser quality, which prolongs the burning amount with an increased energy output. They are now in a sturdy shape and do not break easily.

Manufacturing process

Sawdust generated during the wood processing and manufacturing process is a waste material. It is collected and compacted under high pressure to create briquettes. No binding agent is used because the natural lignin in sawdust is an effective binder that holds the shape together. 

Detailed process: 

It starts with unprocessed sawdust, which is a leftover product of the sawmill industry. It is inexpensive to buy. The unprocessed sawdust is dried to reduce its moisture content which helps it to burn more cleanly. It also ensures maximum energy output. The dried sawdust is compressed under high pressure in a Sawdust briquetting Machine by a pressing rod to form a rectangular shape named a briquette. It is more dense than traditional firewood and yields better results. No binding agent or glue is needed as it has a natural binder named lignin. It is released when the sawdust is compressed under high pressure.  

Why to use sawdust briquettes

Reduces waste

The wood waste is reduced from large quantities to small compact units to act as a sustainable fuel with a low-polluting residue. It reduces the large amount of waste that would have caused a lot of pollution due to its raw form and inefficient burning capabilities. This process gives a new life to a product using the Jumbo 90 Briquette Machine that could have ended up in a landfill.

Replenishable source of energy

It is a replenishable resource and ensures a continuous supply for briquettes manufacturing. The wood and waste materials from agriculture are always available, making it a non-stop process. 

Less Carbon Footprint

Sawdust briquettes will cause less pollution as compared to the traditional fossil fuels. On burning, they release less carbon dioxide, reducing the amount of greenhouse gases in the environment.

An efficient energy source

The sawdust briquettes release energy in high density as compared to traditional fuels. This quality makes them suitable for various energy and heating needs. It has a high heat output and a longer burning time. This quality makes it a suitable fuel for all energy generation in residential and industrial requirements.

Financial benefits

The use of sawdust in the production of briquettes is beneficial for people working at a grassroots level to industrial units. It generates employment and offers financial benefits to people involved at all levels. 

Compact size

They are of a compact size which makes them easy to handle. Its uniform shape allows for easy and efficient storage. There are no unruly splinters and thorns, unlike traditional wooden logs. This type of fuel is safe and easy to handle even by children.


The sawdust briquettes are an efficient fuel that is environment-friendly and economical to use and produce. Before buying the briquettes, observe if they are Burn certified or not. They should have a high calorific value and a low moisture content. The raw material should be sustainably available. The company from where you will be buying the material should be a trusted one with genuine customer reviews.

Various machines for this process are available at EcoStan like the White Coal Making Machine, Jumbo 90 Briquette Machine, sawdust Briquette machine, and more. At Ecostan, they have many options for machines used in producing biofuel. You can contact their website to learn about biofuel and its manufacturing options.



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