Trending Seedling Varieties in Online Sales
Trending Seedling Varieties in Online Sales
The variety and quality of vegetable seedlings available online have expanded, allowing gardeners to experiment with new and unique types.

As a gardener, you've probably noticed that you can access a much wider variety of seedlings these days compared to just a few years ago. Thanks to the growth of online plant nurseries and specialty seed suppliers, home gardeners can now source all sorts of unique and interesting seedling options to fill their gardens. So, what are some of the hottest trending seedling types that gardeners can't seem to get enough of when they want to buy seedlings online

Top Trending Vegetable Seedling Varieties

The variety and quality of vegetable seedlings available online have expanded, allowing gardeners to experiment with new and unique types.


Heirloom and Specialty Tomato Varieties:

Tomato lovers are in for a treat with heirloom and specialty varieties such as Cherokee Purple, Brandywine, and Sun Gold. Cherokee Purple tomatoes are known for their rich, smoky flavor and deep purple color. Brandywine tomatoes offer a classic taste and large, meaty fruits perfect for sandwiches and salads. Sun Gold tomatoes are sweet, cherry-sized fruits that add flavor to any dish.


Unique Colored Vegetables:

For those looking to add a splash of color to their garden, unique-colored vegetables like Cheddar cauliflower, Puntoverde green cauliflower, and Purple Dragon carrots are trending. Cheddar cauliflower boasts a vibrant orange hue and a sweet, mild flavor. Puntoverde green cauliflower stands out with its bright green color, while Purple Dragon carrots provide a striking visual and a sweet, earthy taste.


Compact Varieties for Containers:

Urban gardeners and those with limited space are opting for compact vegetable varieties such as Patio Pride peas and Spacemaster cucumbers. Patio Pride peas are ideal for container gardening, producing sweet, tender peas in a small space.


Black Beauty Eggplant Seedling:

Among the top vegetable seedlings, the Black Beauty Eggplant stands out for its glossy, deep purple skin and rich flavor. These eggplants are ideal for grilling, roasting, and adding to various dishes. They are also known for their high yield and disease resistance, making them a favorite among gardeners.


Big Bertha Bell Pepper Seedling:

This is a popular choice for growing large, sweet bell peppers. These seedlings produce hefty peppers perfect for stuffing, grilling, or adding to salads and stir-fries. Their thick walls and mild flavor make them a versatile addition to any garden.

Trending Herb and Edible Flower Seedlings

Herbs and edible flowers are essential for any garden, providing flavor, fragrance, and visual appeal.


Culinary Herbs:

Culinary herbs like Italian large-leaf basil, Bouquet dill, and Calypso cilantro are among the top choices for gardeners who buy seedlings online. Italian large-leaf basil is a must-have for any herb garden. Known for its large, fragrant leaves, this basil variety is perfect for making pesto, adding to salads, or enhancing the flavor of tomato-based dishes. Bouquet dill adds a fresh, tangy taste to pickles and salads, while Calypso cilantro is prized for its vibrant, citrusy flavor.


Edible Flowers:

Edible flowers such as Nasturtiums, Violas, and Marigolds are becoming popular for their versatility in the kitchen and beauty in the garden. Nasturtiums offer a peppery flavor and colorful blooms that brighten salads and garnishes. Violas provide delicate, sweet flowers that can be used to decorate desserts, while Marigolds add a slightly spicy taste and vivid color to any dish.



Microgreens like Spicy Mix, Kale, and Sunflower are perfect for health-conscious gardeners looking to add a nutritional boost to their meals. Spicy Mix microgreens offer a zesty blend of flavors, while Kale microgreens provide a rich source of vitamins and minerals. Sunflower microgreens are crunchy and nutty, making them a great addition to salads and sandwiches.


Specialty Fruit and Nut Tree Seedlings

Beyond vegetables and herbs, specialty fruit and nut tree seedlings are also trending in online sales.


Grafted Macadamia Nut Seedlings:

For those interested in growing their own nuts, grafted macadamia nut seedlings are an excellent choice. These trees produce high-quality nuts with a rich, buttery flavor, perfect for snacking or baking.


Citrus Varieties:

Citrus varieties like Blood Orange and Limequat are popular among gardeners looking to add a tropical touch to their gardens. Blood Orange trees produce striking red-fleshed fruits with a sweet, berry-like flavor. Limequat trees, a hybrid of lime and kumquat, yield small, tangy fruits that are great for cooking and cocktails.


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