Top Reasons to Invest in Lab Grown Diamonds
Top Reasons to Invest in Lab Grown Diamonds
Lab grown diamonds are the most popular amongst the millennials. These diamonds are 100% carbon, environment-friendly, and inexpensive.

Lab Grown diamonds are ethically sourced, environment-friendly, and inexpensive. They are extremely popular amongst the millennials. The Synthetic diamond manufacturer says that there are plenty of reasons behind their popularity and if you have been looking to invest in diamond jewelry, then a lab-grown diamond ring would be a great choice.

Lab-grown diamonds are exactly like natural diamonds and the only difference between them is their source of origin. Mined diamonds are naturally formed underneath the earth’s surface and it takes as many as 1 billion years. This process also includes extreme heat and pressure. Thanks to technology, now it is easy to replicate the same process in a laboratory. Lab-grown diamonds are created using two popular methods named- HPHT (High Pressure and High Heat) and CVD (Chemical Vapor Disposition).

HPHT uses carbon seeds and state-of-the-art machinery to create an environment that’s similar to the natural process. Understandably, it involves the use of extreme heat and pressure and as a result, pure carbon melts around the seed. This is later on cooled under controlled conditions to form a lab created diamonds.

CVD uses seeds produced during the HPHT process which are later placed inside a sealed chamber. Filled with carbon-rich gases, this chamber is heated at 800 degrees Celcius. These carbon-rich gases are ionized into plasma. Later on, a molecular breakdown process takes place and crystallization forms a pure carbon diamond for you.

Reasons to Invest in Lab-Created Diamonds


1. They are environment-friendly

Do you know that mined diamonds produce more than 125 pounds of carbon/carat? Well, that explains it all. Natural diamonds or mined diamonds might look appealing, but they literally wreck and ruin our environment. The mining process requires heavy-duty machinery and explosives. The whole process digs the earth quite deep and produces tons of mineral waste, apart from causing harm to the habitats. This is not the case with lab-created diamonds as they just disrupt 0.07 square feet of land per carat as opposed to 100 square feet of land disrupted in the natural mining process. Lab-grown diamonds are eco-friendly and have a negligible impact on our environment. Also, the energy used in the production of lab-created diamonds is renewable.

2. They are affordable

Lab Grown Diamond Company says that natural diamonds are extremely expensive which makes them unaffordable for the majority of buyers. Lab-created diamonds, on the other hand, are competitively priced. They are a minimum of 20 to 40 percent less expensive as compared to natural diamonds. The best part is that you get the same clarity and consistency that you get in natural diamonds.

3. Certified and graded

If quality is your concern, you must relax as lab created diamonds are also graded on various parameters like natural diamonds and you get a certificate with every purchase. Lab-grown diamonds are certainly diamonds of the future.

Hope you found the post useful. For more information related to HPHT diamonds, feel free to write to us.

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