How Surrogacy Cost in Kazakhstan Can Change Your Life
How Surrogacy Cost in Kazakhstan Can Change Your Life
Surrogacy cost in Kazakhstan is an important consideration for couples exploring their options for building a family. Kazakhstan offers a structured and affordable surrogacy program compared to other countries, making it a preferred destination for many.we’ll break down the costs involved in surrogacy in Kazakhstan, covering everything from medical expenses to legal fees. By understanding these costs, you’ll be able to make informed decisions on your journey to parenthood.

Surrogacy has become a viable option for couples who are struggling to conceive naturally or through other assisted reproductive methods. Kazakhstan is increasingly becoming a popular destination for surrogacy due to its favorable legal framework, high-quality medical services, and relatively affordable costs compared to other countries. In this article, Siliguri IVF Centre provides a comprehensive overview of the surrogacy cost in Kazakhstan, with a focus on the costs involved, factors affecting these costs, legalities, and key benefits.

Understanding Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

Surrogacy is a process where a woman (the surrogate) carries and delivers a child for another individual or couple (the intended parents). Kazakhstan is one of the few countries in the world that has a clear legal structure for surrogacy, making it a trusted destination for both domestic and international couples seeking surrogacy services.

In Kazakhstan, surrogacy is legally permitted, and both gestational and traditional surrogacy arrangements are allowed. However, most surrogacies in the country are gestational, meaning the surrogate has no genetic link to the child. This is because the embryo is created through in vitro fertilization (IVF) using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents or donors.

Why Kazakhstan for Surrogacy?

Before diving into the costs, it’s important to understand why Kazakhstan has become an attractive option for intended parents from around the world.

  1. Legal Clarity: Surrogacy is fully legal in Kazakhstan, and the intended parents are recognized as the legal parents of the child right from birth. There are clear contracts in place, protecting both the surrogate and the intended parents.
  2. High-Quality Medical Facilities: Kazakhstan has made significant advancements in reproductive healthcare, and its clinics are equipped with modern technology and experienced medical professionals. Many IVF clinics in Kazakhstan, including those offering surrogacy services, maintain international standards.
  3. Cost-Effective Option: Compared to countries like the United States or Canada, where surrogacy costs can soar upwards of $100,000, Kazakhstan offers a much more affordable alternative without compromising on quality.
  4. Legal Protection for Foreign Nationals: Kazakhstan’s surrogacy laws are open to foreign nationals, making it an accessible option for couples from around the world who are looking for a legally secure and cost-effective surrogacy arrangement.

Surrogacy Cost in Kazakhstan: An Overview

The cost of surrogacy in Kazakhstan typically ranges between $40,000 and $60,000, making it a more affordable alternative to many Western countries. The exact cost can vary based on several factors, such as the medical procedures required, legal fees, and surrogate compensation.

Here is a breakdown of the main components of surrogacy costs in Kazakhstan:

  1. IVF Treatment Costs: The IVF process is a major part of surrogacy. This includes the stimulation of the intended mother’s ovaries (or donor’s ovaries) to produce eggs, the retrieval of these eggs, fertilization with sperm, and embryo transfer to the surrogate’s uterus. IVF costs in Kazakhstan are relatively affordable, typically ranging from $5,000 to $7,000 depending on the clinic and any additional medical services required.
  2. Surrogate Compensation: The surrogate’s compensation is one of the largest components of surrogacy costs. In Kazakhstan, surrogate compensation ranges from $15,000 to $25,000, depending on the agreement and the surrogate’s experience. This compensation typically covers the surrogate’s medical expenses, time, effort, and any loss of income during the pregnancy.
  3. Legal Fees: Surrogacy involves a number of legal processes to ensure that the intended parents are recognized as the legal parents of the child. This includes drafting contracts, obtaining legal documentation, and managing any immigration requirements for foreign intended parents. Legal fees in Kazakhstan can range from $5,000 to $10,000, depending on the complexity of the case.
  4. Medical and Maternity Care: Throughout the surrogate’s pregnancy, there will be regular medical checkups, ultrasounds, and other medical services required to ensure the health and safety of both the surrogate and the baby. Medical and maternity care costs typically range from $4,000 to $7,000.
  5. Agency Fees: If you opt to work with a surrogacy agency in Kazakhstan, they will charge an additional fee for coordinating the entire process, including matching intended parents with a surrogate, facilitating communication, and managing the legal and medical aspects of the surrogacy. Agency fees typically range from $10,000 to $15,000.
  6. Miscellaneous Costs: There are often other costs to consider, such as travel and accommodation for the intended parents, additional medical tests, and any unforeseen complications that may arise during the pregnancy. These costs typically add another $3,000 to $5,000 to the total.

Factors Affecting Surrogacy Costs in Kazakhstan

While the estimated cost of surrogacy in Kazakhstan ranges between $40,000 and $60,000, several factors can influence the overall expense.

  1. Surrogate’s Experience: First-time surrogates are typically compensated less than experienced surrogates who have successfully carried a pregnancy to term in the past. If you choose an experienced surrogate, the cost may increase.
  2. Medical Complications: In some cases, the surrogate may experience medical complications that require additional treatments, medications, or hospital stays, which can add to the overall cost.
  3. Multiple IVF Cycles: Sometimes, multiple IVF cycles may be required to achieve a successful pregnancy. Each additional cycle will increase the total cost of the surrogacy process.
  4. Use of Donor Eggs or Sperm: If the intended parents are unable to use their own eggs or sperm and need to rely on donor eggs or sperm, this will add to the overall cost. Donor compensation and additional medical procedures for egg or sperm retrieval can range from $5,000 to $10,000.
  5. Travel and Accommodation: For international intended parents, travel to and from Kazakhstan, as well as accommodation during key stages of the surrogacy process, will also contribute to the overall cost. The cost of living in Kazakhstan is relatively low, so accommodation and travel expenses are often more affordable compared to other surrogacy destinations.

The Legal Framework for Surrogacy in Kazakhstan

One of the key benefits of pursuing surrogacy in Kazakhstan is its clear and well-defined legal framework. Kazakhstan is one of the few countries that allows both domestic and international intended parents to enter into legally binding surrogacy agreements. Here are some key points regarding the legalities of surrogacy in Kazakhstan:

  1. Legal Parentage: In Kazakhstan, intended parents are legally recognized as the child’s parents from the moment of birth. This means that there is no need for adoption or other legal processes to transfer parental rights, as is the case in some other countries.
  2. Surrogacy Contracts: Before the surrogacy process begins, the intended parents and the surrogate enter into a legally binding contract that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties. This contract is essential for ensuring that all parties are protected throughout the surrogacy process.
  3. Citizenship for the Child: For international intended parents, one of the most important legal considerations is securing citizenship for the child. In most cases, the child will be granted the nationality of the intended parents, but this may require additional legal steps and documentation, depending on the country of origin.
  4. No Genetic Link Requirement for Surrogates: In Kazakhstan, surrogates are not allowed to have a genetic link to the child they carry. This means that traditional surrogacy (where the surrogate’s eggs are used) is not permitted, and only gestational surrogacy is allowed. This helps to ensure that there are no complications regarding parental rights or custody after the child is born.

Benefits of Choosing Kazakhstan for Surrogacy

Kazakhstan offers a number of advantages for intended parents considering surrogacy as a family-building option:

  1. Affordability: As mentioned earlier, surrogacy in Kazakhstan is significantly more affordable than in many other countries, particularly in comparison to the United States or Europe. This makes it an attractive option for couples who are looking for high-quality surrogacy services at a more reasonable price.
  2. Favorable Legal Environment: Kazakhstan’s clear and supportive legal framework ensures that intended parents are fully protected throughout the surrogacy process. With legally binding contracts and automatic parentage for intended parents, Kazakhstan provides peace of mind to those seeking surrogacy services.
  3. High Success Rates: Kazakhstan’s fertility clinics, including those offering surrogacy, boast high success rates due to advanced medical technology and experienced reproductive specialists. This increases the likelihood of a successful pregnancy, even for couples who have struggled with infertility in the past.
  4. Cultural Openness to Surrogacy: Unlike some countries where surrogacy is frowned upon or even illegal, Kazakhstan has a more open and accepting attitude towards surrogacy. This cultural acceptance, combined with the country’s strong legal framework, makes it a welcoming environment for intended parents.
  5. Comprehensive Support: Many surrogacy agencies and clinics in Kazakhstan offer comprehensive support services for intended parents, including medical care, legal assistance, and emotional support. This ensures that the surrogacy process is as smooth and stress-free as possible for all parties involved.


Surrogacy in Kazakhstan offers an affordable and legally secure option for couples who are looking to build their family. With a well-established legal framework, high-quality medical care, and competitive costs, Kazakhstan has emerged as a leading destination for surrogacy.


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