Why is dead sea salt different from epsom salt?
Why is dead sea salt different from epsom salt?
Read out the key differences between Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt in this Article. See their unique origins, chemical compositions, and potential benefits. Learn about the diverse mineral content of Dead Sea salt and the targeted magnesium-sulfate profile of Epsom salt.

Why is dead sea salt different from epsom salt?

While both Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt are popular additions to baths and spa treatments, they are fundamentally different substances with distinct origins, compositions, and potential benefits. This article aims to explore these differences, shedding light on why each type of salt is valued for its unique properties.

Origins and Formation

Dead Sea Salt

The Dead Sea, located between Israel and Jordan, is renowned for its hypersaline waters. Dead Sea salt is harvested directly from this landlocked body of water, which has been accumulating minerals for millions of years. The extreme evaporation rate and lack of outflow have resulted in a concentration of minerals that is about ten times higher than that of ordinary seawater.

Epsom Salt

Contrary to its name, Epsom salt isn't actually a salt in the traditional sense. It's a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Originally discovered in Epsom, England, it can be found in underground deposits or produced synthetically. Epsom salt is named after the town where it was first identified in natural springs.

Chemical Composition

Dead Sea Salt

The mineral content of Dead Sea salt is remarkably diverse. It contains high concentrations of magnesium, potassium, calcium, bromide, and various other trace minerals. Notably, it has a lower sodium content compared to regular sea salt. The exact proportions can vary, but typically include:

  • Magnesium: 31-35%

  • Potassium: 20-28%

  • Sodium: 3-8%

  • Calcium: 0.1-0.5%

  • Bromides: 0.4-0.5%

This unique mineral profile is what sets Dead Sea salt apart from other salts and contributes to its reputed therapeutic properties.

Epsom Salt

In contrast, Epsom salt has a much simpler composition. It consists primarily of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate (MgSO4·7H2O). This means it provides two main elements:

  • Magnesium

  • Sulfate

The simplicity of Epsom salt's composition makes it a targeted source of these two specific minerals.

Potential Benefits and Uses

Dead Sea Salt

The rich mineral content of Dead Sea salt is associated with a range of potential benefits:

  1. Skin health: Its high magnesium content may help improve skin hydration and reduce inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

  2. Relaxation: The mineral combination is thought to promote relaxation and stress relief when used in baths.

  3. Detoxification: Some believe it aids in drawing out toxins from the body, though scientific evidence for this is limited.

  4. Joint pain relief: The minerals, particularly magnesium, may help reduce joint inflammation and pain.

  5. Improved skin barrier: The diverse mineral content may help strengthen the skin's natural barrier function.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt's benefits are primarily attributed to its magnesium and sulfate content:

  1. Muscle relaxation: Magnesium is known to play a role in muscle function, and Epsom salt baths are often used to soothe sore muscles.

  2. Stress reduction: Magnesium is involved in the production of serotonin, which can promote a feeling of calm and relaxation.

  3. Constipation relief: When taken orally (under medical supervision), Epsom salt can act as a laxative due to its magnesium content.

  4. Potential pain relief: Some studies suggest it may help reduce pain and swelling in certain conditions.

  5. Exfoliation: It's often used as a gentle exfoliant in skincare routines.

Absorption and Effectiveness

The effectiveness of both Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt when used topically (in baths or applied to the skin) is a subject of ongoing research. While many users report benefits, the scientific evidence for transdermal absorption of minerals is mixed.

Dead Sea Salt

Some studies suggest that minerals from Dead Sea salt can be absorbed through the skin, particularly magnesium. However, the extent of absorption and its systemic effects are still debated in the scientific community.

Epsom Salt

Research on the transdermal absorption of magnesium from Epsom salt baths has produced conflicting results. While some studies indicate a small increase in magnesium levels after bathing, others have found no significant change.

Environmental and Sustainability Considerations

Dead Sea Salt

The extraction of minerals from the Dead Sea has raised environmental concerns. The water level of the Dead Sea has been dropping at an alarming rate, partly due to mineral extraction activities. Sustainable harvesting practices are crucial for preserving this unique ecosystem.

Epsom Salt

Epsom salt can be produced synthetically, which may have a lower environmental impact compared to harvesting from natural sources. However, the energy used in production and transportation should be considered in assessing its overall environmental footprint.


While both Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt are valued for their potential health and wellness benefits, they are distinctly different substances. Dead Sea salt offers a complex mineral profile that reflects its unique origin, potentially providing a range of benefits for skin health and overall well-being. Epsom salt, with its simpler composition, is primarily valued as a source of magnesium and sulfate.

It's important to note that while many people report positive effects from using these salts, more research is needed to fully understand their mechanisms of action and effectiveness. As with any health-related product, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating them into your wellness routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions.

Ultimately, the choice between Dead Sea salt and Epsom salt may depend on individual preferences, specific health goals, and the particular properties one is seeking. Both have their place in the world of natural wellness products, each offering its own unique set of potential benefits.


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