Impact Of Dental Aligners On Your Speech
Impact Of Dental Aligners On Your Speech
When most frequent: Slurring usually becomes the most pronounced during the very beginning of the treatment phase when you have just begun to get used to your pronunciations with the existence of the aligners in the mouth.

Have you been wondering if Invisalign may have some impact on the way you speak? The bottom line is individuals are usually perfectly fine after a few days or weeks. However, at times, you might catch a bit of a lisp, a little bit of slurring, or an extremely rare whistling sound. It's really just how the clear aligner in Arlington Heights kind of adjusts the way you place your tongue. 

But then, there's nothing to fret over. A little practice and a few tips can set everything straight again.

Common Speech Changes with Invisalign

[1] Lisping:

How it occurs: When you speak, Invisalign in Arlington Heights trays alter the position of your tongue, particularly the tip. This interferes with the flow of air necessary to pronounce certain sounds, which causes you to lisp.

Sounds that are affected:

"s" sounds: Instead of smooth air passing over the tongue, airflow is partially blocked, and a hissing or lisp-like sound occurs.

"z" sounds: Like "s" sounds, the air stream is obstructed, which causes the "z" sound to be not so crisp.

"th" and “sh" sounds: The position of the tongue in relation to the teeth needs to be precisely established. Invisalign can sometimes impact this.

[2] Slurring:

How it occurs: The presence of Invisalign in Arlington Heights in your mouth impinges on the tongue and the way lips move, causing people to sometimes not pronounce words clearly enough.

When most frequent: Slurring usually becomes the most pronounced during the very beginning of the treatment phase when you have just begun to get used to your pronunciations with the existence of the aligners in the mouth.

[3] Whistling

How it occurs: Only in rare instances is there a small gap between the Invisalign and your teeth. Once you speak, air may pass by this gap and create this whistling sound.

Why it is rare: Modern Invisalign in Rolling Meadows will fit over your teeth fairly snugly so that minimal chances of whistling come with them.

Tips for Effective Communication

Here is what you can do: 

[1] Practice Speaking: The more you speak with your aligners in, the faster your mouth and tongue will adjust. Practice reading aloud or simply talking to yourself in the mirror.

[2] Remove Invisalign for Important Conversations: If you have a presentation or other important communication, remove your aligners beforehand.

[3] Consult your orthodontist: You should seek consultation from an orthodontist if it is difficult for you to pronounce. 

In brief

You may experience minor speech changes during your Invisalign in Rolling Meadows course. In many cases, these are merely momentary and easily overcome by speaking practice, speaking slowly, and removing your aligners during essential talks. 

Dr. Adelina is the author of this article. To know more about Palatine Metal Braces , please visit our website:



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