Cracked Tooth? Save it with a Fractured Root Canal Operation
A fractured tooth root canal is one of the most common dental ailments across Singapore; with trauma from car accidents and sports-related incidents, and the like, being some of its top causes. In addition to all these, the age of the tooth, chewing hard food, etc., can also lead to fractured teeth.
The good news is that all is not lost for those who encounter the said condition. That is because they can turn to cracked tooth treatment to improve their dental health. Read on for details.
What is a Fractured Tooth?
A fractured tooth AKA, a cracked tooth, takes place when the structure of the tooth encounters breakage. Depending on its extent, it may expose the pulp, which houses the blood vessels and the nerves. In cases where the damage is extensive, and reaches the pulp, root canal or endodontic surgery may be necessary.
What are the Different Kinds of Cracked Teeth?
It should be noted that there are different types of cracked teeth; they are as follows:
Craze lines
These are miniature cracks that develop in the enamel, or the strong and resilient outer covering of teeth. In a vast majority of cases, they are not painful and do not require any form of treatment.
Fractured cusp
This type of fracture usually takes place within the area of a dental filling. Most of the time, a fractured cusp does not affect the pulp and because of this, it doesn’t cause much pain.
Vertical root fracture
This kind of tooth fracture starts below the gum line and travels upward. Most of the time, it does not develop symptoms unless infection takes place. If the infection is not immediately addressed, the affected tooth may need to be extracted.
Split tooth
A tooth that develops a vertical crack that extends through it but has not extended to the gum line can be saved with dental intervention. However, if the vertical crack finds its way into the gum line, extraction may be performed.
When is Root Canal Necessary for Fractured Tooth?
It should be noted that not all fractures need to be treated by root canal. In a number of cases, a dentist can easily fix minor cracks using treatments like crowns or bonding. On the other hand, if the damage extends to the pulp of the tooth, a fractured tooth root canal may be necessary.
This is because the pulp is the living tissue that is located inside the tooth. It consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues. When the damage of the tooth crack or fracture is immense, it may expose the pulp. In cases like this, it may become prone to infection since bacteria may find their way to the pulp.
If left untreated, it may lead to infection, inflammation, and pain. In line with this, the mentioned condition should not be taken for granted since doing so may lead to serious dental problems that may eventually pave the way for health complications.
This is where a fractured tooth root canal comes in. It is performed to get rid of the damaged or infected pulp, clean the internal part of the tooth, seal it (to prevent more serious infections), and so on. If this procedure is not performed, the damage may worsen, and extraction may become the only solution.
Pain management
Pain management is important for a couple of days following a root canal. This is nothing to worry about, and patients may expect some form of soreness as well as discomfort in the operated area. They may last for several days, especially when eating hard food. If they persist for more than a week, it would be best to seek dental intervention.
To address the said issues, pain medications and antibiotics may be prescribed as well if the infection has spread.
Recovery and aftercare
In general, an endodontic surgery professional may schedule a second appointment after the root canal operation. As soon as the mouth has healed, the temporary filling is going to be removed and the root canal is going to be filled and later on sealed, but this time, permanently. This completes the restoration of the damaged or infected tooth. Furthermore, the crown is going to keep the tooth from breaking in the future.
Patients may be asked for follow up check ups to make sure that their dental health is not compromised in any way. In line with this, follow up appointments need to be religiously followed so as to ensure that the benefits of the whole procedure is going to be enjoyed to the fullest.
Summing up
In the end, endodontic surgery offers a ton of benefits that go beyond treating a fractured or infected tooth. That being said, it is a beneficial procedure that can alleviate pain and play a role in improving overall health.
Putting the said factor into consideration, individuals who encounter dental issues should consult their dentist to determine if the said surgery is the solution to restore oral health.

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