Embrace the Ancient Wisdom of Ayurveda at Punarjan Ayurveda Hospitals, Rasayana Ayurveda is an ancient science of indigenous healing and an effective method of combating a dangerous disease such as skin cancer. It is an integrated system of our healthcare strategy. Our mission of helping those affected by skin cancer. Our staff of doctors and therapists are all highly qualified and have a caring approach in terms of handling patients. We help to heal and transform and offer the opportunity to start a new path toward eliminating the issues that hinder a healthy and fulfilling life. Contact Best Skin Cancer Treatment Hospitals in Bangalore today.
Considering the fact that skin cancer is described by the principles of Rasayana Ayurveda as an imbalance in three doshas namely vata, pitta and kapha.
This balances with the build up of toxins known as (ama)and the degeneration of the body tissues known as (dhatus). The Rasayana approach for such disorders is initially to clean the toxins from the body through panchakarma therapies.
The treatment involves the use of specific formulations prepared from natural plant sources and specific diets suited to the patient’s prakruti and dosha predominance at the time of consultation.
It helps stop cancer from spreading and lowers oxidative stress, which is another big reason why cancer cells grow. So, with our medicine, we can get rid of cancer cells and keep you healthy.
Similarly, the Rasayana remedy offers an anti-cancerous internal environment by employing measures through food modification.
When the toxicity factors are cleared out and the doshas are balanced then the force of prakriti(nature) asserts itself.
The healthy and well-nourished tissues work to improve the channels of the body for better absorption of nutrients and for vitality, so that the body can regain its self- healing power and rebel against cancer-forming causes.

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