Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Stone: Detoxify and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally
Kidney stone also known as Nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis is a disease in which hard deposits made of mineral or salt or nitrogenous waste forms inside in one or both kidneys due to many different reasons.


Kidney stone also known as Nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis is a disease in which hard deposits made of mineral or salt or nitrogenous waste forms inside in one or both kidneys due to many different reasons. 

In India approximately 12% of the population is suffering from kidney stone disease, which is a huge number and in north India the number is even greater around 15%, the person who develops a kidney stone once, has 98% chances that he or she can develop another stone within 25 years.

Book Appointment for Ayurvedic Consultation: Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Stone

Types of Kidney Stones: 

  1. Calcium stone- this is the most common type of stone accounting for 70-80%. Calcium stones are present in calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate form. 
  2. Uric acid stones- common in people who take a high protein diet, those who are suffering from gout or having metabolic disorder. 
  3. Struvite stones- these stones are usually for those individuals who have recurrent UTI or kidney infection
  4. Cystine stone- the rarest stone that develops due to inherited condition called cystinuria. It can also be caused by taking amino acid or cysteine supplements.

Risk Factors: 

  • Most common risk factor is Dehydration. 
  • Obesity 
  • Recurrent UTI infections 
  • High oxalate diet 
  • High protein diet 
  • Family History 
  • Hyperparathyroidism 
  • Gout 
  • Bariatric surgery


The most common and severe symptoms of kidney stones is pain which is very severe that usually starts suddenly in the lower back and flank that radiates medially to the lower abdomen and groin area. 

Apart From Pain: 

  • Hematuria (blood in urine)
  • Dysuria 
  • Polyuria
  • Burning micturition 
  • Urine dribbling, may be the symptoms that can occur in kidney stone disease

Book Appointment for related disease:

Ayurvedic Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Detox 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Blood Urea 

Ayurvedic Treatment for IGA Nephropathy 

Ayurvedic Treatment for Glomerulonephritis Kidney 

Kidney Stones in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda, kidney stones are classified according to doshas viz. Vataj ashmari, pittaja ashmari, kaphaja ashmari, shukraja ashmari. 

Vataja ashmari can be correlated with calcium oxalate stones, pittaja ashmari can be correlated with uric acid stone, kaphaja ashmari can be correlated with phosphat stone. 

Shkraja ashmari develops due to suppression of shukra vega usually in seminal vesicles. 

Line of treatment in Ayurveda: 

  1. Snehana (mild oelation)
  2. Teeksha ushana and ashmari bhedaka aushadh (use of those medicine which breaks the kidney stone and reduce size)
  3. Use of mutral dravya (medication that are natural diuretic that decrease the concentration of stone and act as kidney detox)
  4. Treat the disease according to the vitiated doshas. 

Common herbs that are used in kidney stone treatment 

  1. Varuna
  2. Pashanbheda 
  3. Gokshura
  4. Punarnava
  5. Shigru
  6. Shunthi
  7. Kulattha
  8. Shilajit
  9. shatavari

Common ayurvedic formulation used in kidney stone treatment

  1. Sukumar kashaya
  2. Punarnavadi kashayam
  3. Varanadi kashayam
  4. Trinpachmoola kashaya
  5. Laghu panchmool
  6. Chandanasava 
  7. Gokshuradi guggulu 
  8. Chandraprabha vati 
  9. Shweta parpati 
  10. Yavakshar
  11. Godanti bhasma
  12. Shweta parpati 

Treatment provided for kidney stone- Aksa Ayurveda 

In Aksa Ayurveda the treatment for kidney stones is based on Ayurvedic principles only. We access your body type, nature and vitiated dosha and compile it with modern diagnostics and provide you with the best solution for kidney stones in very less time.

We not only treat your kidney stone, with that we ensure that you will not develop kidney stones again. 

Contact Us: 


Address: 1 FLOOR, PVT.449 KH. NO. 137/5/11,


Email: info@aksaayurveda.com

Call Now: +91 88261 11667

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Ayurvedic Treatment For Kidney Stone: Detoxify and Cleanse Your Kidneys Naturally

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