Acne Scar Treatment
Acne Scar Treatment
vcare skin clinic provides the best acne scar removal treatment in Chennai, using skin polishing, chemical peel Treatments, imagine yourself with beautiful skin that's free of scars. acne scar treatment, acne scar treatment near me, acne scar removal near me, acne scar laser treatment near me, back acne scar treatment near me, laser acne scar removal near me, acne scar treatment dermatologist near me, deep acne scar treatment dermatologist, pimples marks removal

Acne Scar Treatment

Acne Scar Treatment In Chennai

Best Acne Scar Treatment

Just when you are hitting the adolescent age with rising fantasies and adrenaline together, an alien on the face shows up. This has a more significant potential to turn off even the brightest day. Yes, Acne poses a more significant threat to your confidence and happiness.

What is Acne?

Your skin has open pores; below such open pores, sebaceous glands are present. These sebaceous glands secrete oil naturally. When this oil mix with dead skin cells, and dirt, the pores clog and become prone to infection, rising out like a pimple.

Acne is more stubborn and is often subject to long-term conditions. It is due to the steady work of a bacteria called, Propionibacterium acnes. But most adults, both men and women, are prone to it, which is curable with proper dietary practices and medicines. Severe acne conditions are treatable through peel treatments, lasers, and therapies.

How Does Acne Occur?


Stage 1

  • Oily skin
  • Clogged Pores
  • Slight Acne

Stage 2

  • Oily skin
  • Clogged Pores
  • Lots of Acne

Stage 3

  • Oily and Inflamed Skin
  • Clogged Pores Acne
  • Papules and Pustules

Stage 4

  • Oily and Very Inflamed Skin
  • Clogged Pores
  • Severe Acne
  • Many Papule and Pustules

Sebum is a natural moisturizer for the skin, which keeps the surface hydrated. When you apply more products to the skin, for instance, if someone with oily skin uses topical oily products to remove the excess oil and prevent infections, it causes acne.

Triggers of Acne

  • Excess secretion of oil in sebaceous glands
  • An increase in male hormones (Androgens)
  • Allergic reactions due to medications
  • Overuse of cosmetic products or choosing the wrong product
  • Dandruff
  • Pollution, dirt, and dust
  • Stress

How does the laser treatment for acne scars work?

The laser energy gets absorbed by the acne scars. This pigmentation breaks into smaller fragments and is naturally cleared away from the body and skin.

Can acne scars be permanently removed?

Yes, Acne scars can be permanently removed. The acne scar treatment gets rid of your acne scars, giving you completely clean and glowing skin.

How long does it take for acne scars to fade?

The treatments and results tend to vary from person to person. Usually, one can see clear skin after 2-3 sessions of acne scar treatment. But it is best to take a minimum of 6 sessions at least.

Is acne scar treatment safe?

Yes, acne scar treatment is a completely safe procedure. It is a gentle alternative which requires fewer sessions to achieve amazing results. The treatment has zero side effects.

Is acne scar treatment painful?

No, the acne scar treatment is not painful. The laser energy feels like tiny hot dots on your skin. The process is tolerable as well.

What is the best treatment for acne scars?

For me, the best treatment for acne scars is carbon laser peel! I used to have a lot of acne before and tried applying different acne scars creams to get rid of it. Some did work by reducing my acne. But the acne scars never left me. It was then that my friend suggested the Carbon laser peel treatment to try out. I did deep research and enquired a lot about it. I took the treatment at VCare, where the cosmetologists explained the whole procedure and took the time to explain the cause of my acne. The whole carbon laser peel treatment was painless and worthwhile. It not only helped me get rid of the acne scars but also aided me by giving my skin natural, glowing skin. So, you should also definitely try. I hope this helped!

What should you know about acne scar laser treatment?

I took the acne scar laser treatment from VCare Skin Clinic. This treatment helped me get rid of my acne scars and skin pigmentations. I took the carbon laser peel treatment to treat my acne scars. For this procedure, they started by first cleansing your face and then applying the carbon peel to your face. Once that was dried, they started with the laser shots. The laser shots that they use for this treatment are advanced and are called Q-switch lasers. The whole procedure was easy and painless. It took up to four to six treatment sessions to get rid of those acne scars once and for all. So, I would totally recommend you try the acne scar laser treatment. It is definitely worth every penny.


Is laser treatment for acne scars permanent? Are there any side effects?

Yes, the laser treatment for acne scars is permanent; no, there are no side effects. My aunt took the acne scar laser treatment from VCare Skin Clinic. This treatment helped her get rid of the acne scars and skin pigmentations once and for all. The laser shots that they use for this treatment are advanced and are called Q-switch lasers. Looks like the whole procedure was easy and painless. It took up to four to six treatment sessions to get rid of those acne scars completely. Most importantly, during the whole process, she saw no side effects. So, I believe its completely safe and effective. So, I would totally recommend you try the acne scar laser treatment. It is definitely worth your money.


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