What Are The Qualities Of A Good Business Leader?
We often look at the skills a business leader needs to be successful at running their business, but what about the qualities that make a good business leader? Having the technical knowledge and soft skills to run a successful business is important but you must also have certain attributes that will make you a better leader. Investing in the right program like an MBA Global Management program can provide you with the resources to become a strong business leader.

We often look at the skills a business leader needs to be successful at running their business, but what about the qualities that make a good business leader? Having the technical knowledge and soft skills to run a successful business is important but you must also have certain attributes that will make you a better leader. Investing in the right program like an MBA Global Management program can provide you with the resources to become a strong business leader.


Let’s look at the list of traits that make a good business leader and stick out till the end for tips to gain these qualities.

A Good Business Leader Is…

  1. Focused

As a good leader, you must have your eye on the goal. You must understand what the focus of the business is and must be able to influence others to also work towards that goal.

  1. Passionate

Unless you are passionate about your business and your work, you will struggle to resonate with your customers. Your passion for the company and the product or service you are offering will motivate others around you to work hard and achieve the goals of the business.

  1. Innovative

If you want your business to be relevant and remain relevant for the fast-moving audience, then you must have an innovative mind. You must see opportunities in every situation and be able to seize these opportunities before your competitors.

  1. Patient

Having patience will help you stay calm and collected throughout your journey. It will help you make better decisions and lead your team with tact.

  1. Stoic

It is also important to have control over your emotions and maintain your professionalism. Being stoic does not necessarily mean you have to completely shut off all emotions and become a robot, it just means that you are thinking and acting rationally instead of making rash decisions.

  1. Authentic

You must have heroes that inspired you to walk on this journey, but being just like them should not be your goal. You must ensure that you are being your authentic self.

  1. Open-minded

Having an open mind will ensure that you are not missing out on any business opportunities. You will make more connections, meet new people, and take leaps you never have before.

  1. Decisive

While a Global MBA program will teach you to make data-driven decisions, being decisive is your own attribute. You cannot change your decisions over and over again. It is important to understand the problem at hand and make the right decisions only after considering every outcome.

  1. Insightful

This is another quality that builds after years of practice and expertise in the field. Having an MBA Global Management can help you gain insights from the research and data available on your industry. It can help you become a little more insightful.

  1. Self-aware

Finally, being self-aware will actually help you determine which of the qualities mentioned here are the ones you already possess and which are the ones you need to work on.

You Can Learn To Be A Good Leader

While all these qualities might come across as personality traits one is born with, that is not entirely true. Leaders are made, not born. This means, that you can learn to be a good leader and gain these qualities starting now.


You can become an MBA Global Management student and learn these attributes from the program just like you learn other skills. Additionally, if you are a working professional you can observe your superiors and leaders and learn from them.


A lot of these attributes just come down to practice. Being more focused, innovative, and patient, is just about practicing these qualities in your daily lives until they become a part of you. As for passion and authenticity, you must choose a business scope that you are already passionate about. This will ensure that you are representing your true self to your customers as well as your employees.


Being a good leader is a work in progress. You cannot expect to join one Global MBA program and graduate as a great leader. While the program will help you, at the end of the day it is about how you put into practice what you have learned.

Explore MBA Global Management At UniAthena

If you want to take the step towards becoming a global leader and a good global leader at that, you can start by enrolling in an MBA Global Management program at UniAthena. This course is developed in collaboration with Abertay University, UK, and it provides you with plenty of resources to help you get a better understanding of what it means to be a global business leader. 


The 12 months of learning curriculum will help you better understand the global business landscape and make the right decisions for your business aspirations. You will have access to 1:1 faculty support whenever you need it. Explore the free trial and start your MBA now.

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Business Leader?

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