Advanced Data Science & Artificial Intelligence course!
The Advanced Data Science & Artificial Intelligence course is designed to equip you with comprehensive knowledge and skills in Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning using Python programming.

The Advanced Data Science & Artificial Intelligence course is designed to equip you with comprehensive knowledge and skills in Data Analytics, Web Scraping, Data Science, Machine Learning, NLP, and Deep Learning using Python programming. Additionally, the program covers Database Management System for efficient data handling, as well as Data Visualization using Power BI & Tableau. You will also gain proficiency in using version control systems like GitHub and deploying models on cloud platforms. By the end of the course, you will have mastered essential Data Science tools and techniques using Python.


Skills covered.

·        Data wrangling, cleaning & exploration

·        Web scraping

·        Data visualization

·        Statistics & Probability

·        Hypothesis building

·        Python programming concepts

·        NumPy, Pandas, MatplotLib, Seaborn and SciPy package

·        ScikitLearn package for Machine Learning

·        SARIMA package for Time-Series Analysis

·        NLTK, TextBlob, SpaCy, StanfordNLP. SKLearn packages for Natural Language Processing

·        ANN, CNN, RNN, LSTM packages for Deep Learning


Key Features of course.


• 400+ Hours Of Interactive Learning

• 24 Real-Time Projects

• Hands-On Training With 20+ Tools & Modules

• 4 Industry-Based Capstone Projects

• 3 Years Subscription

• Dual Certification

• Flexible Batch &Timings

• Lifetime Access To LMS & Course Material



For more information on  Data Science & Machine Learning course, visit the 1stepgrow website.

Contact: -

Phone number - 8951240606


Advanced Data Science & Artificial Intelligence course!

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