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    3-Way Foley Balloon Catheter Uses and Benefits

    3-way Foley balloon catheter is a medical device used for urinary drainage,...

    • Gstc

    Silicone Ring Pessary in Modern Healthcare Techniques C...

    silicone ring pessary is a supporting device for pelvic organs in women who...

    • Gstc

    IV Cannula in Modern Healthcare Techniques Challenges,...

    IV cannula is an important medical device for direct access to the bloodstr...

    • Gstc

    The Role of safety IV Cannula in Modern Healthcare

    Safety IV cannula are widely used in hospitals, clinics, and emergency sett...

    • Gstc

    Central Venous Catheter Key Uses and Benefits Explained

    Central Venous Catheter (CVC) kit is a medically engineered kit that aims t...

    • Gstc