An Overview of Geocells Innovative Erosion Control Products
An Overview of Geocells Innovative Erosion Control Products
Geocells are three-dimensional geosynthetic engineered materials made from high-density polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyester. They are used in civil engineering applications to reinforce soils and allow vegetation to establish, helping to prevent erosion.

Geocells are three-dimensional geosynthetic engineered materials made from high-density polypropylene, polyethylene, or polyester. They are used in civil engineering applications to reinforce soils and allow vegetation to establish, helping to prevent erosion. Geocells come in prefabricated honeycomb-like panels or rolls that expand when filled with soil.

Types of Geocells

There are different types of geocells designed for various applications:

Permanent Geocells - Made from durable synthetic materials like polypropylene, these geocells are designed to remain in place permanently. They provide long-term slope protection and soil reinforcement benefits. Permanent geocells find use in applications like retaining walls, slope reinforcement, shoreline protection, and canal linings.

Degradable/Biodegradable Geocells - Made from materials like coir, jute, or blended polymers, degradable geocells provide initial protection and allow vegetation to establish before degrading. As plants develop root networks, the geocells degrade and disappear. They are suited for applications where a permanent structure is not needed long-term.

Unfilled Geocells - These geocells have an open-mesh, honeycomb structure that allows for placement of infill soil and establishment of deep-rooted vegetation inside each cell. The infill soil holds the slope or embankment in place while plant roots develop strength over time.

Prefilled Geocells - Prefilled geocells come with infill soil already in place within the structured cells. They require less installation work but offer less flexibility in cell filling compared to unfilled geocells.

Geocell Applications

The main applications where geocells are used include:

Slope Reinforcement - Geocells work well to reinforce soil on steep slopes prone to erosion. By containing and reinforcing infill soils, geocells stabilize slope faces and allow for vegetation growth.

Retaining Walls - As a living retaining wall system, geocells hold back infill soils while plant roots develop strength. Combined with proper drainage, they serve as permeable, ecologically-friendly retaining structures.

Shoreline Protection - Along shorelines, geocells filled with soil or gravel form erosion control mats to protect coastal landscapes from wave action. Vegetation further stabilizes the protected areas.

Drainage Applications - Geocells aid drainage by providing structure to aggregate infill for applications like french drains, terracing, swales, and canal lining. The honeycomb structure prevents washouts.

Erosion Control Blankets - Geocells filled with infill soil or hydraulically applied seeds, mulches, and tackifiers create blankets that stabilize slopes, channels, and other disturbed soils against erosion.

Roadway Applications - In road construction, geocells reinforce embankments and subgrades. They control erosion, allow compaction, and structurally enhance pavement support.

Benefits of Using Geocells

Some key benefits that geocells provide include:

Soil Reinforcement - The structured cell design increases shear resistance and reinforces infill soils. This improves slope/embankment stability.

Erosion Control - Containing infill soils within geocell structures and allowing for planting helps prevent loss of soil through erosion.

Vegetation Establishment - The cells provide an ideal growing environment for deep-rooted plants by retaining moisture and nutrients around developing root systems.

Permeability - Unlike solid structures, geocells maintain permeability to allow for water infiltration and drainage through the honeycomb design.

Aesthetics - With natural vegetation infill, geocells form living, visually appealing erosion control structures that blend into surroundings.

Longevity - Durable geocell materials ensure reinforcement benefits last for decades versus short-term blankets and mats.

Cost Effectiveness - While initial costs may be higher, geocells provide long-term performance and erosion protection vs recurrent repair/replacement costs.

Sustainability - Geocells use natural or recyclable materials and allow for vegetation establishment, providing environmental benefits over hard armor solutions.

Installation and Maintenance

Proper installation following manufacturer specifications ensures geocells perform as designed over the long run. Installation involves:

- Site preparation through grading and seeding/planting

- Laying out and anchoring geocell panels/rolls

- Filling cells with specified infill materials

- Compacting infill according to subsurface conditions

- Adding final layers of topsoil and seeding/planting

For maximum performance, maintenance may include:

- Inspecting installation integrity and making repairs if needed

- Watering vegetation during establishment periods

- Weeding to remove unwanted plants that compete with planted species

- Monitoring for erosion or undermining and making prompt repairs

Geocells provide an innovative soil bioengineering solution for infrastructure erosion control needs. Through reinforcement of infill soils and facilitation of vegetation growth, geocells offer long-term living erosion control structures suitable for a wide variety of civil engineering applications.

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About Author:

Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (


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