What are the top 10 Buyer Intent Data Tools in Sales?
What are the top 10 Buyer Intent Data Tools in Sales?
In the highly competitive B2B market of today, intent data leveraging is important. However, what is intent data precisely, and how does it affect sales? We discussed the importance of buyer intent data in developing effective sales techniques as we dive into these questions.

What are the top 10 Buyer Intent Data Tools in Sales?

What is buyer intent data for sales?

Buyer intent data for sales refers to valuable insights derived from the online activities and behaviors of potential customers. It encompasses various signals such as website visits, content consumption, search queries, social media interactions, and more.

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It unveils the digital footprint left by individuals as they navigate the internet in search of solutions or products relevant to their needs.

This data provides sales teams with a deeper understanding of customer intent and interest levels, allowing them to identify prospects who are actively researching or considering a purchase.

Sales professionals can prioritize leads, customize outreach efforts, and adjust messaging to each prospect’s unique wants and pain areas by assessing these signals.

Buyer intent data serves as a compass, guiding sales teams toward the most promising opportunities and enabling them to engage prospects in a timely and relevant manner.

Businesses can improve their sales strategy, raise conversion rates, and eventually boost revenue growth in a competitive sector by utilizing this priceless resource.

Understanding the Importance of Buyer Intent Data Tools

It is important to understand the significance of Buyer Intent Data Tools in the ever-changing world of sales. These resources are priceless because they provide a glimpse into the thoughts of prospective buyers at key moments in the purchasing process.

Buyer Intent Data Tools offer real-time insights into the interests and intents of customers by continuously monitoring their online behavior, interaction patterns, and content consumption.

Armed with this knowledge, sales professionals can craft personalized and targeted strategies to engage with prospects more effectively. Rather than relying on guesswork or generic outreach, they can tailor their approach based on actual data, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Buyer Intent Data Tools enable businesses to prioritize leads strategically. By identifying prospects exhibiting strong purchase intent, sales teams can allocate their resources efficiently, focusing on high-value opportunities that are more likely to yield positive outcomes.

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Top 10 Buyer Intent Data Tools in Sales

1# Bombora

Consider an instrument that, in the B2B context, functions as a whisperer, able to discern minute clues on the purchasing intents of your prospects. That’s Bombora. With a twist, all of the high-quality data is consent-based.

This means they track website activity across a massive network of B2B websites, but only with permission. Here’s the cool part: Bombora analyzes how people consume content across these sites. When someone suddenly dives deep into content related to your offerings, it’s a major clue they’re on the buying journey.

Plus, Bombora has a unique edge – a dataset that reveals typical content consumption patterns for different industries. This lets you spot those spikes in interest with even greater accuracy.

2# 6Sense

6Sense takes things a step further by throwing artificial intelligence (AI) into the mix.  Imagine it as a super detective that gathers information from several sources. They utilize a variety of sources, including Bombora, G2 review sites, and their network. 

This thorough method provides a clear picture of the research habits and true interests of your prospects. However, 6Sense leverages its AI power to forecast the sales cycle rather than merely presenting you with the facts.

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Imagine being able to prioritize your efforts and complete sales more rapidly by understanding which leads have the highest likelihood of converting immediately. It’s like to having a sales funnel magic ball!

3# ZoomInfo Sales

ZoomInfo Sales is more than just a buyer intent data tool; it’s a full-fledged sales intelligence powerhouse. It provides plenty of data about businesses and connections, including those important intent signals.

Think of it as a one-stop shop for identifying high-potential leads. You can not only find them, but also understand their needs and tailor outreach that truly resonates. It’s similar to having an infinite number of prospects that are all set up and waiting for you to interact.

4# Lead Forensics

Ever feel frustrated when people visit your website but don’t leave any contact details? Lead Forensics is here to solve that mystery. This tool uses IP address tracking to identify companies that visit your site. 

Lead Forensics’ value is in its ability to notify you in real time anytime a potential lead expresses interest. It’s like having the opportunity to connect and reach out to website visitors right while they’re actively interacting with your business.

5# G2 Intent

G2 isn’t just about user reviews anymore. They’ve become savvy players in the buyer intent game too.  This tool leverages the wealth of data from user reviews to identify prospects who might be considering switching to your competitors. By knowing who’s researching alternatives, you can be proactive.

Handle their worries, demonstrate why your answer is the best, and prevent them from leaving. It’s similar to having a system in place that alerts you to possible defectors so you may step in and turn the tide.

6# Lead feeder

Budget-conscious? Don’t despair! Leadfeeder offers a free plan that sheds light on the companies visiting your website. While it won’t reveal individual contact details, it’s a game-changer for identifying potential leads.

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Imagine being able to see which companies are browsing your website—valuable intel that allows you to tailor your marketing efforts with laser focus. Interested in learning more about a specific company? Leadfeeder satisfies your curiosity with premium options that include more features.

7# Demand base

Does focusing on certain, high-value accounts form the core of your sales strategy? Demandbase then serves as your secret tool. This platform does more than just identify leads. It assists you in identifying the businesses that would be the best fit for your offering and then offers insights into their purchasing patterns.

You may use this information to create highly targeted ABM ads that appeal to the important decision-makers in those businesses. Consider delivering marketing communications that specifically target their demands and problems – a guaranteed approach to differentiate yourself from the competition.

8# Lead Onion

Lead Onion goes beyond just identifying hot leads; it empowers you to nurture them toward a sale. This platform is more than just a pretty face – it provides built-in communication features that allow you to reach out to the most promising prospects at the exact moment they’re showing buying intent. 

Picture being able to engage with leads who are actively researching solutions like yours – that’s the power of Lead Onion. Plus, it offers advanced segmentation tools and buyer persona-matched contact lists, ensuring your outreach is relevant and impactful.

No more wasting time on unqualified leads – Lead Onion helps you focus on those who are most likely to convert.

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9# Cognism

Getting in front of the appropriate people is the key to success in sales. Cognism takes on this obstacle head-on by giving you the holy grail of sales: precise contact details for account executives in your target accounts.

Eliminate spending time and effort searching for the correct individual. By removing this obstacle, Cognism frees you up to concentrate on establishing connections and completing transactions. The benefit that Cognism offers is the ability to have direct access to the important actors who have the power to make purchases.

10# KickFire

KickFire assists you in identifying the organizations that are visiting your website, just like Leadfeeder does. However, KickFire goes one step further by making an effort to pinpoint the precise people inside those businesses that are visiting your website.

Even if the precision of personal identification may differ, KickFire can give insightful information about the teams and departments that are expressing interest in your products.

Envision having access to invaluable information that would enable you to customize your outreach plan for optimal effect—like knowing which CEOs, marketing managers, and sales representatives are visiting your website.



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