We all need to remember that exam preparation
We all need to remember that exam preparation
make sure you set yourself small achievable goals. Remember that the higher the number the better your score.

As you study for your exam, make sure you set yourself small achievable goals. Remember that the higher the number the better your score.

We all need to remember that exam preparation is a long process that can take months. The best strategy is to take it step-by-step, rather than in one big session. Do not attempt to cram all of your knowledge into one big day. If you are having difficulty with a particular subject, spend more time on it. Be sure that you spend enough time practicing so that you can answer questions correctly in an exam situation.

Prepare for the first module (or module) by reading your text book. Get a copy from the seru tfl mock test library, if possible. Once you've done this, you might want to buy it from Amazon if it's cheaper than buying a new one.

Have a look over the course rules to make sure that you understand how the exams are conducted and what the examiners expect. This is important because you don't want to miss something out in your preparation. The course rulebook will tell you which modules are assessed by essays and which by multiple choice. It may also give a list of the marks awarded for different grades and the pass marks for modules.


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