Why climate change needs callers of bullshit
Why climate change needs callers of bullshit
Climate change needs callers of bullshit to challenge misinformation, debunk fallacies, and expose the manipulative tactics employed by those denying its severity. Armed with scientific evidence, these vigilant truth-seekers dismantle barriers hindering climate action.

Climate change is a complex matter that affects the entire planet and all its inhabitants. It is a fact supported by the scientific community, that human activities, such as deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels, are among the main contributors to the warming of the planet and changes in the climate. More than ever before, credible, level-headed voices are needed to promote change. Climate change needs realists, not sensationalists.  Yet, there are so many individuals or groups who spread misinformation. They usually deny the scientific consensus on climate change. They aim for the instant gratification of shocking people. It might be necessary to call out false claims and misinformation in every direction. In the long term, doomists and catastrophists are almost as bad as climate change deniers. This is why climate change needs more realists and callers of bullshit.


Addressing climate change requires a collaborative and constructive approach. People and groups with different backgrounds and perspectives need to find consensus on the grounds of realism to be able to find solutions.In the long run, everything can depend on whether we can work together or not. In this article, we are going to explore the complexity of this issue.

Who are doomists and catastrophists?

There are different schools of thought on how to address climate change. Some people advocate for taking drastic action. Those include reducing carbon emissions to net zero by a specific date. Others believe that more gradual changes are necessary to prevent economic upheaval and social unrest. 


The terms “doomists” and “catastrophists” are often used to describe those who believe climate change has dire consequences. They usually advocate for immediate action. Radical action can be important to promote change, but sometimes the alarmist language can be counterproductive. 

While it is important to note that many of the impacts of climate change can already be felt, it’s also important not to fall into the pit of apocalyptic thinking. 

Why the alarmist language of doomists is not helping

As important as taking action to lessen the impact of climate change is, the doomist approach is not proving to be the best. We do need to understand that climate change is a burning issue, but without creating useless panic. Distress and uncertainty are proven to block rational thinking. And this blockage may stop us from taking the crucial actions we should be taking. Here’s why the alarmist language is misleading. 

It creates a sense of despair and hopelessness 

Doomist and catastrophist rhetoric can create a sense of psychological freeze. It often communicates a message saying there’s nothing left to do. That we are running into our death, no matter what. That it’s already too late. This can make people feel powerless and abandoned. This can lead to a lack of willingness to take action. Lack of engagement makes the fight against climate change more difficult. If the behavior and thinking of individual persons remain unchanged, collective action also remains more silent. 

Climate change as a hoax

It’s understandable that catastrophist and doomist visions of the apocalypse are dismissed as extreme and misleading. This is the logical reaction to the aggressivity of the alarmist language. The problem with this is that it can lead to throwing out the baby with the bathwater. If people meet clickbait-like approaches to climate change, it is likely that they won’t take it seriously. And with good reasons. This can lead to less willingness to lead an environmentally conscious lifestyle. 


The alarmist rhetoric desensitizes people to the importance of action. It comes across as sensationalist and misleading. It’s no wonder that people begin to tune out if messages about climate change are painting pictures of the apocalypse. People become less responsive. And this is why climate change needs more people to pinpoint those communication errors. 

A lack of trust in science

Catastrophism can lead to a decrease of trust in the science and data proving that climate change is happening. In the worst-case scenario, this can lead to the total denial of climate change. Even scientific facts can be presented in an unfavorable light. Exaggeration can lead to the facts being discredited. Thus, skepticism and disbelief bloom on the path of the doomist language. This can harm the prestige of the scientific community and the spread of misleading information.   

What can we do?

It can be important for our mental well-being and the well-being of the planet, too, to have a strategy for judging information. As a first step. This can be achieved by practicing critical thinking and doing thorough research before believing things. As a second step, taking action where we can and speaking up in our own small community can be a way of fighting misinformation. Anyone can act out their beliefs, and doing so can become an example for others. Doing a few small steps can ripple out and have a great impact. 

Spot the agitators

People using sensationalist and alarmist language are often agitators. They usually claim to support a cause, while their words and actions have counterproductive effects. They either work individually or in a group, and they use manipulating tactics to draw attention. They may even believe that their actions are necessary for making change. But often they only end up pushing people away and undermining the credibility of the cause they claim to support. People often turn away because of the sense of fear, hopelessness, and untrustworthiness they create.

Build a realistic vision

Building a realistic vision can happen by taking into consideration the challenges and focusing on practical solutions. A realistic vision can be a crucial asset in fighting climate change. It can be built by educating ourselves on the issue from valid sources and practicing critical thinking. In the long term, communicating about climate change in a way that mobilizes without spreading a sense of despair can be crucial. This strategy keeps people from being divided and inspires collective action. Yes, the urgency of action needs to be communicated. But in a more balanced manner. The amount of harsh truths shouldn’t outweigh the amount of actions we can take to mitigate their negative effects.

Believe in small contributions

As mentioned above, even if the truth about climate change can be overwhelming, it’s important to be clear about one thing. And that is: there are lots of things to do on a daily basis to slow down the negative effects. Lots of little steps added together make an impact. Lifestyle and consumption choices can contribute greatly to the fight. Buying less trash, traveling sustainably, and changing daily habits of consuming are actions that set an example. The more individuals choose to do things differently, the more hope for political success there is. 


Climate change, as maybe the most urgent challenge, requires a well-communicated call to action. It can be crucial to understand the urgency and severity of the problem. But it’s just as crucial to dodge extreme language. Alarmist rhetoric only undermines the credibility of the cause. This can lead to a sense of hopelessness, which doesn’t help with taking action. If we listen to more realistic voices, we can avoid falling victim to sensationalist claims, which show a distorted version of the truth. Undivided, we have the possibility to work together to come up with sustainable and lasting solutions.



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