7 Tricks To Impress A Girl
7 Tricks To Impress A Girl
Found someone special and want to impress her? Read on to know some tricks to impress a girl.

How to impress a girl? 7 Tricks To Impress A Girl

So you have met someone special and are now looking for ways to impress her? Well contrary to popular beliefs, it is really not that difficult to impress a woman. Most men think they need to pull out some grand romantic gesture to impress the girl they like but its actually a lot simpler than that. 

Women dont really want a grand gesture, instead its the small, meaningful gestures over a period of time that wil impress her more and make her like you more. So start by getting to know her first and building a connection. Once you've interacted a few times and there seems to be mutual interest, that's the perfect time to impress her. Read on to know some tips and tricks to impress a girl. 7 Tricks To Impress A Girl

Tips And Tricks To Impress A Girl

Here are some tips and tricks that you can use to impress a girl:-

Be confident

If you want to impress someone, the best way to do so is by being confident. Women are more drawn to men who are confident and self-assured compared to men who feel insecure about themselves. So hold yourself straight, give her a genuine smile and maintain eye contact while talking to her. Be sure of yourself and talk in a calm and clear manner and you will automatically come across as a confident person.

Be well-dressed and well-groomed

Women are attracted towards men who are well-grommed and know how to dress well. So pay attention to your appearance when you are go to meet her. But by dressing well, we are not suggesting that you wear expensive, designer clothes. When you are going to meet her, choose a shirt in a color that suits you. Make sure the shirt fits you and is cleaned and ironed. Also remember to shower and trim (if you have a beard) because body odour is one of the biggest turn off for women. If you want to further impress her, then use a nice smelling aftershave or a cologne before you go to meet her.

Be a good listener

To really impress a girl, show you're interested in her life by being a genuinely great listener. Ask follow up questions and share details to show you were paying attention. In addition, you should try to have an engaging conversation with her. You can talk about your common interests, dreams and values. It will get her to open up to you and make her comfortable enough to share details about her own life. Once you are comfortable with each other, you can introduce a topic that you both are interested in. It can be about a favorite movie, or a favorite book or even politics. It will leave her wanting to spend more time talking to you.

Make her laugh

A good sense of humor is attractive to most women. Tease her playfully and show that you don’t take yourself too seriously. For example, if she jokingly teases you about something, tease her right back in a fun, lighthearted way. Just be sure your teasing doesn’t cross the line into hurtful.

Be respectful

You can also impress a woman by being polite and respectful to her. Help her take off her coat or to put it on, hold the door for her, dont use degrading language while talking to her and it is going to impress any woman whether you are trying to woo her or not. If you have planned to meet up be punctual. It will show that you are respectful of her time. It is also a good reflection of your character. In addition, dont forget to be respectful towards others when you are with her.

Compliment her

Paying sincere compliments is a great way to charm a girl. Compliment her smile, laugh, personality, talents, or skills. Say something like “You have a wonderful smile” or “I really admire how kind you are to others.” But don’t overdo the compliments, or they may come across as insincere.

Express your feelings

Expressing how you feel about her is the best way to impress her. There are a variety of ways through which you can express your feelings and appreciation for her. For instance, you can write love letters for her and deliver it personally or you can send it to her home address. If the girl you like loves literature and is a fan of authors like Jane Austen, then she will be thrilled to receive love letters from you in her mail. 

But if writing letters is not your style, you can also have her favorite flowers delivered to her workplace or her home along with a small handwritten card. But when you are getting something delivered to her workplace, take care to not go overboard. If you do so, you run the risk of coming on too strong.  She may also feel embarrassed instead ofbeing impressed. If she is a private person, then you can plan a candlelit dinner at home and cook for her to impress her and show her how you feel about her.


The best way to impress a girl is to simply be your authentic self and allow a genuine connection to form over time. Focus your energy on getting to know her, look for common interests and find ways to have fun together. So be patient, dont force anything and the right opportunities to impress her will arise naturally.

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