What Is Option Key On A Windows Keyboard?

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What Is Option Key On A Windows Keyboard?
Option Key Windows Keyboard: pressing the Alt key will trigger the software events typically triggered by the option key. Alt is the key to...

What Is Option Key On A Windows Keyboard?

Option Key Windows Keyboard: The option key is a modifier key found on the Apple keyboard, which is used to Activate Functions and shortcuts in macOS. However, the option key is not present on a Windows keyboard. In this article, we will explore the option key, its functions, and how to simulate it on a Windows keyboard. If you don't know about "How To Remove Apps From Secure Folder" Check here.



What Is Option Key Windows Keyboard?


Apple keyboards have a modifier key called the option key. A Windows keyboard also refers to it as the alt key. Various macOS functions and shortcuts can be activated using the option key.


Alternate keyboard characters can be accessed by pressing the option key. For example, you can use the option key to type accents and other diacritical marks not present on the Standard Keyboard. You can also use the option key to access alternate versions of letters and symbols.


Functions Of The Option Key


The option key has several functions in macOS. Here are some of the most commonly used functions of the option key:


Access Alternate Versions Of Characters


As mentioned earlier, you can use the option key to access alternate versions of characters on the keyboard. Using the option key and pressing the letter can be used to type an accented letter. It will bring up a menu of alternate versions of the letter. Afterwards, you will be able to select the version you wish to use.


Move Through Menus


You move through menus in macOS by pressing the option key. When you press the option key, you will see that certain menu items change. These are the alternate versions of the menu items. Select the desired item from the menu by using the arrow keys.


View File Information


You can use the option key to view file information in macOS. When you select a file and press the option key, you will see that the "File" menu changes to "File Options." You can find information about the file in this menu, including its size, date of creation, and date of modification.


Switch Between Applications


The option key is used to switch between applications in macOS. Pressing the option key and the tab key, for instance, will display a list of open applications. You can then use the arrow keys to move through the list and select the application you want to switch to.


Simulating The Option Key On A Windows Keyboard


Some of the functions of the option keys on your Mac are disabled when using a Windows keyboard. However, there are ways to simulate the option key on a Windows keyboard.


Use The Alt Key


Alt and option keys are equivalent on Windows keyboards and Mac keyboards. You can use the alt key to access alternate versions of characters, move through menus, view file information, and switch between applications.


Use The On-Screen Keyboard


Another way to simulate the option key on a Windows keyboard is to use the on-screen keyboard. Using the on-screen keyboard is as simple as going to "Start" > "Settings" > "Ease of Access" > Keyboard, then selecting On-Screen Keyboard. Options and modifiers can then be accessed using this keyboard.


Use Third-Party Software


The option key on a Windows keyboard can be simulated with third-party software. One such program is "SharpKeys." With SharpKeys, your keyboard can be remapped to perform different tasks. The alt key can be remapped to the option key using SharpKeys, for instance.




In conclusion, the option key is a modifier key on the Apple keyboard used to access alternate versions of characters, move through menus, view file information, and switch between applications in macOS. It is not present on a Windows keyboard but can be simulated using the alt key, on-screen keyboard, or third-party software.

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