Looking for a scary horror game? Give Granny a try!
Looking for a scary horror game? Give Granny a try!
Are you looking for a frightening video game that is different from the others in the genre? Granny will almost certainly give you the creeps.

Granny, a popular game in the horror category

Are you looking for a different kind of scary video game for Halloween? Granny is sure to give you a good scare. It is a great horror game made by DVloper that is full of jump scares and moments that will make your heart race. Before you can get away from this crazy old lady, you will have to get past a few things in this area. If you want to learn more about Granny game and play it on PC, keep reading!

What is Granny?


The video game Granny features mazes, puzzles, tension, and frightening jump shocks. You must solve the riddles without getting captured by Granny and hope that her exceptional hearing does not detect you. To defend yourself and escape the always-present grandmother, you must assemble items, disable alarms, and acquire weapons. The game appears incomplete and sloppy in every way, with graphics and controls that are too simplistic. However, the limited graphics may be advantageous for the game because they prevent it from being too realistic.

How to Play

The goal of Granny is to get out of the house and away from Granny by using different things over five (or six, if a picture puzzle is solved) days. The player can get out by unlocking the front door, fixing the car in the garage, or unlocking the vault door in the drainage tunnel.

Granny looks through the house for the player, using any noise they make and setting bear traps to slow them down. If the player is caught by Granny, she will knock them out, stopping the day and sending them back to their old bedroom. The player can also get hurt by things in the surroundings, like Granny's spider or falling from the rafters. If the player is caught on the last day, a "game over" video will play and the player will go back to the title screen. The player can protect themselves from Granny in a number of ways, such as making her fall asleep or briefly blinding her with the shotgun or pepper spray, which can be found around the house.

Tips and Tricks

To help new players escape from the evil Granny, here is a list of helpful tips and tricks:

  • Take the pliers ASAP: Most of the things in Granny only have one use, but the pliers have more than one. They can be used in three places around the house. If you find them early, you should think of yourself as lucky.

  • Remember where items are placed: When you pick things up and put them down, it's easy to forget where everything is. Even if Granny catches you and sends you back to bed for the rest of the day, your things will not be lost.

  • Check key locations: Although items can spawn anywhere in Granny's home, there are a few locations that always contain a crucial item. That does not necessarily imply that they are actual keys, though it is possible.

  • Use headphones: Frequently, it will be difficult to see where Granny is coming from, so do yourself a favor and use headphones. The ability to hear Granny as she opens doors and says spooky things while walking the hallways will make it much simpler to determine her location. Additionally, you will be able to pinpoint the location of the creaking floorboards, allowing you to anticipate her arrival.

  • Learn the best hiding spots: Even though Granny is mainly a horror game, you'll need to employ stealth techniques in order to escape the murderous mansion. Granted, Granny may be quick, but her knees aren't what they once were, so narrow passageways and crawlspaces are your best chance for evading her. The crawl space in the basement (which leads to the shed) is one, but the most practical one is located in the sewing room (across from the jail cell) on the second floor.

With everything said, hopefully Granny will bring you enjoyable moments. Happy gaming!


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