Callmama: Calling Cuba from the United States,
Callmama: Calling Cuba from the United States,
CallMama's guide for calling Cuba from the United States in 2023 offers valuable insights and tips for smooth international communication. Stay connected effortlessly with friends and family in Cuba using their expert guidance.



Want to Call Cuba from the US? With the easing of travel restrictions and improved diplomatic relations between the US and Cuba in recent years, more Americans are looking to contact friends and family in the island nation just south of Florida. But calling Cuba isn't as simple as dialing an international number. You need to understand the unique telephony system in Cuba and follow certain steps to ensure your calls go through clearly.

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to make calls to Cuba from the United States in 2023.


Overview of Calling Cuba from the US

Cuba has a state-owned telecommunications company called ETECSA that handles all phone services on the island. ETECSA maintains Cuba's telephone infrastructure and operates direct phone connections from the US using a few methods:

  • International call plans from US carriers like AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile.

  • Calling cards for Cuba are offered by US telecom providers.

  • VoIP calls over the internet using apps like WhatsApp.

The most reliable way for US residents to call Cuba is through an international calling plan or Calls to Cuba card from a major phone company. But these can be quite expensive at $2-$7 per minute typically.

Using VoIP apps is the cheapest method, but call quality can be spotty due to Cuba's underdeveloped internet infrastructure. Keep reading as we compare the different calling options in detail.

Calling Cuba from US Cell Phones

The simplest way to Dialing Cuba from the US is to use your existing cell phone service. All the major cellular providers - Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint - offer international calling plans that allow you to dial Cuba. However, high per-minute rates make this an impractical daily option.

Here are the typical per-minute charges from US carriers to call Cuban landline or mobile numbers:

  • Verizon: $2.99-$5.99 per minute

  • AT&T: $2.39 per minute

  • T-Mobile: $1.79 per minute

  • Sprint: $2.50 per minute

So a 1-hour call to Cuba could cost over $150 on your phone bill! Of course, rates vary by your calling plan. Some ways to lower the per-minute cost are:

  • Add Cuba to an international talk plan.

  • Get a business account with discounted international rates.

  • Use a calling app like Skype that utilizes your mobile plan minutes.

But even with those options, direct cell phone calls usually top $1 per minute. There are much more affordable ways to dial Cuba which we'll explain next.

Calling Cards to Cuba

For the Best calling card for Cuba frequent calls to Cuba that last more than just a few minutes, using prepaid calling cards offers the best value. Calling cards provide discounted per-minute rates to Cuba without tying up your primary cell phone plan minutes.

The rates are clear and upfront, typically ranging from 5 to 15 cents per minute. No surprises on your bill. Minutes are deducted as you talk, with per-call fees typically 50 cents to $1.

There are many Cuba calling card brands, but here are a few top options:

  • Lucky Minutes - Rates to Cuba landlines 5¢/min, mobiles 15¢/min. $1 connection fee.

  • Nobelcom - Cuba rates from 7¢ to 10¢ per minute. No connection fees.

  • IDT International - Fixed fee of $1.49 plus 9¢ to 15¢ per minute to Cuba.

When purchasing a prepaid international calling card, look for these features:

  • Low advertised per-minute rates to Cuba landline and mobile numbers.

  • No hidden fees or extra charges.

  • Ability to recharge your balance easily online.

  • Dialing instructions are clear and work reliably.

As long as you compare a few providers, calling cards let you save significantly over direct cell phone calls to Cuba. Just use a landline phone or connect the calling card number to your mobile phone to dial Cuba affordably.

Internet Calling to Cuba

VoIP (voice over IP) apps that utilize the internet to place calls have also become popular ways to contact Cuba. Apps like WhatsApp, FaceTime Audio, and Skype allow you to call Cuban phone numbers over the internet.

The main benefits of Internet calling include:

  • Extremely low rates - sometimes free calls using WiFi.

  • Call anywhere in the world if you have data or a Wi-Fi signal.

  • Bring your Cuban number with you when traveling.

However, call quality can vary due to Cuba's underdeveloped telecom infrastructure. Connections may have latency or static compared to direct telephone circuits. However, improving internet access in Cuba is making VoIP apps a viable option for both individuals and businesses.

Here are some tips for making VoIP calls to Cuba smoothly:

  • Use WiFi whenever possible - cellular data works but may have lags.

  • Try different apps to compare voice quality - WhatsApp and FaceTime work well.

  • Have callers in Cuba download the app and dial your internet number.

  • Schedule calls during off-peak internet usage hours in Cuba such as late evening.

VoIP apps provide inexpensive, flexible ways to call Cuba. Just be prepared for some call quality variations compared to traditional telephone lines.

Special Considerations for Business and Enterprise Calling

Businesses with operations in both Cuba and the US require reliable corporate phone communication. But the unique political situation means you need to take special care when enabling Cuba to call across your organization.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Work with a telecom partner experienced in Cuba connectivity - laws are complex.

  • Deploy VoIP systems to unify US and Cuba office telephone networks.

  • Utilize cloud PBX technology to simplify management and cut costs.

  • Enable international conference calling over the phone and video.

  • Provide calling cards to employees who travel between countries.

  • Monitor usage carefully - fraud to Cuba numbers can spike costs.

With the right global telecom provider, integrating Cuban and American locations into your phone network is smooth and efficient. However, it's critical to understand the specialized legal and technical factors involved.

How to Dial Cuba from the United States

Now that you know the main options to call Cuba, here is a quick step-by-step guide to placing calls from the US:

  1. Determine your calling option - cell plan, calling card, VoIP app. Compare rates if unsure.

  2. Dial the Cuba exit code - 011 from US numbers to access the international line.

  3. Input Cuba's country code - 53.

  4. Dial Cuba's area code - Fixed lines start with 2, and mobiles with 5.

  5. Enter the Cuba number - Typically 6-8 digits after the area code.

So an example call would be:

Once connected, you can speak with your recipients in Cuba like any other international call.


We hope this guide provides everything you need to successfully place calls to Cuba from the United States in 2023. Just remember:

  • Use a Cuba calling card for the best rates on frequent calls.

  • VoIP apps work but confirm you have a strong connection.

  • Watch out for high per-minute fees on cell plans.

  • Dial 011 - 53 - Area Code - Cuba Number to call from the US.

With the thawing relations between the US and Cuba, clear communication is more important than ever. Now you can call Cuba affordably and reliably using the information above. ¿Listo para realizar esa llamada a Cuba?


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