6 Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling and How to Fix
6 Reasons Why Your Home Isn’t Selling and How to Fix
Read below for some important reasons why your property isn’t selling fast enough and what you can do to change that.

Tired of your property not selling fast enough even though it has been on the market for a good time? The market for housing properties is down at the moment in many major cities. However, there is no reason for any good property to not sell given the right amount of time and effort. A good condo for sale in Mississauga should sell rather quickly if it is listed right.

However, too often there can be hidden problems that are hindering your property from getting sold. Also, there are fixes for every problem. When show requests aren’t coming thick and fast and nobody is making any offers, there’s likely something you can do. Read below for some important reasons why your property isn’t selling fast enough and what you can do to change that:

1: Asking Price Is Too High

Probably the very first reason why your property isn’t selling quickly is the asking price. Listing your property for a higher price is what every homeowner thinks about. However, this can be a great mistake meaning you will get stuck with it for a long time.

Often, when a seller lists for a below-average price, they will still end up getting a good deal. The reason for this is bidding wars. Buyers and investors hunt for low-priced properties and jump on them quickly. This encourages bidding wars that boost the price quickly.

Fix: Drop the Price

The obvious fix for this is to drop the price. Do good research and look at very recent properties that get sold in your area. Start the listing price just below the average price to encourage more buyers. Also, more people will be able to see your property when it is listed at a lower price.

2: Something Is Putting Buyers Off

Many properties don’t get sold because there is something putting buyers off. This can be the smallest of things and the biggest ones that owners so easily overlook. Even a sharp smell anywhere in the property can cause doubts in buyer’s minds.

Fix: Find the Problem and Fix It If Possible

Make sure either you or your agent is getting feedback from people seeing your property. Ask them why they left without making an offer and what would it take for them to make an offer. If the response is similar from several people, something needs to be fixed. Fix that problem to sell your property faster.

3: You Are Too Impatient

Naturally, property owners would love to sell off a property they want to get rid of fast. However, this is not what will be the case all the time. If you are not getting enough people to visit the property and make offers, then it is a problem.

List your property on all the right platforms. Make the listings reach as many people as possible by putting them up for the right price. The property buys and sell market is down currently in many major cities including Toronto.

Fix: Give It More Time

Patience is a virtue. You will do great things if you are patient enough. Give your listings more time. If you are selling through an agent, give them the time they need to make the right deal. A few months of wait is normal for any good condo for sale in Ajax or any other part of Toronto.

4: Not Good Enough Photos or Video

Taking good pictures is almost as important as listing your property in the first place. This is how potential buyers will see your property and develop a perception of it. Pictures taken from your phone aren’t always the best ones.

Keep in mind that pictures get compressed when uploading to property listing websites. Always make sure to have a good look at the pictures you uploaded after finalizing the listing. See how they look and spot if any improvement is required. Getting a second opinion helps out a lot as well.

Fix: Hire a Professional Photographer

Often, regular people will not be aware of the best angles to highlight a condo for sale in Toronto. However, professional photographers are always the best when it comes to capturing the best pictures. Hire a professional photographer to get the best angles of your property.

5: Missing Staging or Not Good Enough Staging

Modern buyers want properties to look their best. If other properties are looking tip-top with a good staging and yours is looking just meh, you know where the interest is going. Stage your property attractively and highlight all the best parts for greater interest.

If your property is not staged at all or is staged improperly, it is missing out. Staging makes a lot of difference when it comes to getting a quick sale. It is a great tool to interest more people who come to see your property.

Fix: Hire a Professional Stager

Often, homeowners try staging their property on their own. However, professionals know best how to highlight key features of any property. Hire a professional stager and give your property the awesome look it deserves to sell quickly.

6: Your Agent Isn’t Efficient Enough

Property agents are the best people to make a quick sale. Often, home and property owners will want to skip going to agents to avoid paying their fees. However, selling on your own can slow down the progress if you don’t know where to list and how.

Also, when listing Scarborough condos for sale or any other condos in Toronto, make sure to hire the best property agent. Your uncle, cousin, or friend who just took up property buying and selling as a career might be the best agent in town.

Fix: Find a Good Agent


When hiring an agent to sell your property, make sure to check their track record in your local area. Take feedback from people who have sold their property through the agent in the past. Select the best agents even if their fees are slightly higher. It will make the property sell a lot faster.


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