WhatsApp Commerce for eCommerce Brands| WebMaxy
WhatsApp Commerce for eCommerce Brands| WebMaxy
Create WhatsApp campaigns, recover abandoned cart customers, and cross & upsell to your customers. Build strong customer relationships.

WhatsApp Commerce for eCommerce Brands| WebMaxy

Boost your Sales 3X with WhatsApp Commerce 

Engage with new customers where they are most active and get the highest response. 


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WhatsApp Campaigns  

Acquire new customers on WhatsApp to fuel your eCommerce growth. Craft and execute successful WhatsApp marketing campaigns that drive up to 3X the ROI.  

WhatsApp Store 

Start selling on WhatsApp eCommerce store to boost sales. Showcase an array of products via WhatsApp catalog and help customers buy directly on their favorite messaging platform 

Customer Segmentation  

Target specific customer groups with personalized messages. Customer segmentation makes WhatsApp marketing more efficient to achieve higher revenue growth. 

WhatsApp Customer Support  

Deliver exceptional customer service on WhatsApp. Leverage WhatsApp customer support for order updates, customer queries, reminders and feedback. 

WhatsApp Chatbot 

Respond efficiently to customer enquiries at scale. Automate responses to customer support and order tracking with WhatsApp chatbot integration. 

Click to WhatsApp Ads 

Embrace the potential of ‘click to WhatsApp Ads’ to establish real-time connection with target audience. Guide customers straight to WhatsApp conversation via Facebook or Instagram ads by running WhatsApp Ad campaign. 

Automated FAQ and Chat Support 

WhatsApp automation eases replying to different customer queries instantly. Set automated alerts for COD confirmations, abandoned carts, & discount offers. 



How to use WhatsApp for marketing? 

WhatsApp is a great communication channel for marketing. You can do marketing on WhatsApp by sending messages to your target customers. With WebMaxy eGrowth, you can create message templates and run WhatsApp Campaign. You can create different segments of customers based on their activity, recent purchase, or buying journey stage. Then, you can create personalized messages to target those customers effectively. 

How to start with WebMaxy WhatsApp Commerce? 

For starting with WebMaxy Whatsapp commerce, you need to create an account on WebMaxy


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