8 Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Cloud Storage
8 Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Cloud Storage
Cloud storage is a service that allows users to store data online, accessible from anywhere via the internet, offering scalable, secure, and efficient data management solutions.

Every day, we create more data than ever—like the pictures we take, the messages we send, or even the games we play online. Imagine trying to store all of that on your computer. Don’t you think it would fill up quickly? 


That’s why many businesses are turning to cloud storage. It’s like having an extra backpack that never gets full, and you can access it from anywhere, whether you're at home, at the office, or even on vacation. Plus, the cloud keeps everything safe and organized, so you don’t have to worry about losing important stuff.


In a survey conducted by the Global Digital Alliance, about 35% of IT professionals stated they needed cloud storage immediately. The survey included 647 IT professionals. However, it is essential to understand how to use cloud storage effectively if you want to benefit from it fully. 


In this post, we will look at eight attainable strategies to get the most out of your cloud storage choice.

1. Arrange your files and folders systematically

Generally, your cloud storage becomes cluttered. Why? Many people upload unstructured files to it. So, you may face problems finding and accessing your crucial data when required. This leads to reduced productivity. 


One of the simplest ways to improve your cloud storage experience is to arrange your data logically. 


How to Implement It


  • Make folders and subfolders that correspond to your personal or professional needs. Sort related files by type, date, or project.
  • Make file identification easier by using consistent naming conventions.
  • Establish a mechanism for preserving obsolete or seldom-used files to make sure that current data is always readily available.

2. Utilize automation to provide backup

Automation in the cloud is crucial in maintaining your backup files. This is important because you may risk losing important data since you can set up automatic backups.


Cloud storage's automatic file backup feature protects against data loss in the event of hardware failure, human error, or cyberattacks.


How to Carry It Out


  • Schedule your backups to run automatically on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This guarantees that all important data is automatically saved in the cloud.
  • Turn on incremental backups to expedite the process and use less storage by backing up only the modifications made to the files.
  • Look into your cloud provider's settings for automatic synchronization with devices or apps to guarantee data consistency across all platforms.

3. Improve storage space to reduce your data footprint

Storage costs can rise rapidly if redundant files, uncompressed data, or useless files are kept. Also,  cloud storage providers often charge based on the amount of storage space used.


Therefore, it is imperative to reduce your data footprint. Footprint means the amount of storage space required for storing a dataset, including the raw data and any metadata. 


How to Carry It Out


  • Regularly audit your files to remove any redundant, superfluous, or outdated content.
  • Reduce the amount of space that big files, like databases, pictures, or movies, take up by compressing them without compromising quality.
  • Utilize the deduplication tools that many cloud providers give to get rid of duplicate file copies.

4. Improving security measures

Security for cloud storage should be a primary concern, particularly when storing private or sensitive data. Cloud service providers typically offer strong security, but occasionally, users disregard their responsibility and use careless passwords or neglect to use multi-factor authentication (MFA).


How to Carry It Out


  • Make strong, unique passwords for your cloud storage accounts and change them often.
  • Turn on multi-factor authentication (MFA) to bolster security even more. This necessitates the use of a second verification method while logging in, such as a text message code.
  • Make sure that data encryption is turned on for both data at rest and data in transit—that is, data that is being moved to or from the cloud.

5. Make use of cloud collaboration resources

Many cloud storage platforms have integrated features enabling real-time collaboration from remote locations. Without these tools, you can miss out on some of the nicest things that cloud storage has to offer.


Ways to Carry It Out


  • Use real-time collaboration features to work on documents, spreadsheets, or presentations with team members at the same time.
  • Use the file-sharing feature to safely distribute huge files without requiring third-party programs, such as email attachments.
  • Setting rights for various users allows you to control who can view, edit, and share specific files or folders.

6. Track and maximize the use of bandwidth

When utilizing cloud storage, data uploads and downloads can use a lot of bandwidth. This can cause other online activities to lag or cost more for companies or people with sluggish internet connections.


How to Carry It Out


  • Plan large uploads or downloads for off-peak hours when internet usage is lower to minimize the strain on your network.
  • Employ selective synchronization to cut down on pointless data transfers by selecting which files or folders to sync between devices.
  • Keep an eye out for any restrictions or bandwidth caps placed by your cloud provider, and modify your storage usage accordingly.

7. Connect Cloud Storage to Additional Programs

Cloud storage should be easy to integrate with your current workflows and tools to maximize its benefits. Integrating cloud storage improves productivity and centralizes data management for email services, CRM systems, and productivity tools.


Ways to finish it


  • Slack, Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and other well-known systems can all be integrated with cloud storage to simplify file sharing and access.
  • Consider API integration if you need to use custom applications to interact with your cloud storage provider.
  • Apps like Zapier and IFTTT, which connect cloud storage to other apps and perform tasks automatically like file backups and update alerts, can be used to automate workflows.

8. Make Use of Version Control

One of cloud storage's lesser-known but incredibly useful features is version control. When errors are made or unwanted modifications are recorded, the ability to view and restore earlier versions of files is a vital feature offered by many platforms.


How to Carry It Out


  • Make sure version control is turned on in your cloud storage settings so that all document changes are tracked.
  • Use version history when restoring older versions of files to prevent inadvertent overwrites or data loss.
  • Depending on your provider, you can be able to change the file versions' retention period, preventing obsolete versions from being stored indefinitely and taking up unnecessary space.

In a Nutshell

Simply using the cloud is not enough. You must enhance your approach to get more out of its potential. Cloud storage offers a reliable and adaptable solution for storing and accessing data. 

Following the suggestions in this article will help you streamline your operations and maximize the benefits of cloud storage. Numerous methods exist to make the most of this useful tool, from file organization to teamwork and edge storage.


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