How Can You Efficiently Farm and Trade in Path of Exile 2
Today, we are going to show you how to make five mirrors and 279 Divine Orbs without even getting into Maps in Path of Exile 2.


Today, we are going to show you how to make five mirrors and 279 Divine Orbs without even getting into Maps. This Path of Exile 2 guide will take you from scratch, showing you the strategies to achieve this. 

Starting Your Path of Exile 2 Economy Journey

The first thing I needed to begin was a transmute. I farmed the Miller and Clearfell until I got one, or I just disenchanted magic stuff for it. This is the base to begin with. Once I had my transmute, I went to the trade site and looked for a unique item that most players would buy. I went for the Pillar of the Caged God and activated a live search until someone sold it for a transmute. This took a while, but it was worth it. The Pillar of the Caged God is actually worth five exalts without corruption, so you can take advantage of the trade as you get used to the market prices.

The purpose of this simple example is to test how far you can go with flipping items and selling them for a bigger price. After figuring this out, I started expanding the strategy. To my surprise, the further I took it, the better results I got. However, at some point, I realized that flipping items wasn't enough to make a consistent profit, so I had to improvise.

Advanced Trading Strategies in Path of Exile 2

I started purchasing items with empty slots and without socketed runes in them. This includes stuff like two-handed weapons and body armor. Even though the trade site shows items with maxed quality, it doesn't show what it is. If you enhance them further with stuff like iron runes with empty prefixes and the items being this cheap, I'd take a deterministic gamble to exalt them for added physical damage. For this, you also need to make sure the items are not corrupted. This was super deterministic profit for me, selling stuff like this for multiple exalts easily.

Most people usually search for bows primarily based on physical DPS. When you meet the threshold above a certain weighted sum, the item will cost you several exalts just for that small difference. I realized that bows seem to sell much faster than wands, belts, and even rings. So, here we want two of these mods from a magic bow. Thanks to PoE 2 currency farming, I know what the highest value we can get for these mods.

Item Type Strategy Potential Profit
Magic Bows Look for specific mods that increase the value Multiple exalts per item
Two-handed Weapons Enhance with iron runes and empty prefixes Consistent exalt profit
Body Armors Improve quality and add prefixes High demand in the endgame

The maximum you can get for the average added physical damage is around 50, and the maximum for the average percentage of increased physical damage is 180. This means each point of flat physical damage is 180 / 50, which is 3.6. This is how I give the values for the weights. Once you get used to it, this is really simple.

Maximizing Your Profits in Path of Exile 2

Another example of exploiting the system is by understanding how resistance values affect item prices. A lot of players don't know that an item with a total of 40% lightning and cold res is far better than an item with 20% cold, fire, and lightning res. The weighted sum on the first one is 80, but the latter is only 60. At 80, this is five exalts, but if you make it 100, the price exponentially goes up to 50 and above. This is exactly where you can exploit the system.

Finally, I have to warn you guys. First, I do not recommend gambling in Poe if it costs you more than what you earn in this game. I took my chances back when white Stellar amulets were like five exalts each, whereas the chance orbs were 10. Right now, each of these costs like 50 to 90. So, I would recommend chancing something else like white sapphire rings or heavy belts which are above item level 50.

There is another way to deterministically gamble which is using Alva in your hideout. This only costs you gold, but if you are playing the endgame Maps, you are anyway making a lot of gold. The point of this video, however, is not to play the game; it's not worth playing without Temporalis, Hand of Wisdom, Ingenuity, and all those super expensive stuff. If you are playing the game, you either one-shot stuff or you get one-shot. That's literally Poe2 in a nutshell.

Moral of the story: Be smart and be one step ahead of everyone else. That's my strategy. If you are with me on this, then subscribe. This is the end of part one where I made my first mirror. 


How Can You Efficiently Farm and Trade in Path of Exile 2

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