Patent Registration and Types of Patents: 7 Essential Facts You Should Know
Patent Registration and Types of Patents: 7 Essential Facts You Should Know
A patent grants the inventor exclusive rights to an invention for a limited period. This exclusivity empowers you to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing your invention without your permission.

Patent Registration and Types of Patents: 7 Essential Facts You Should Know

Patent Registration

Patent registration is the process of obtaining a legal monopoly from the government for an invention. This monopoly grants you exclusive rights to make, use, sell, or import your invention for a specified period, typically 20 years.

Here are the 7 essential facts you should know about patent registration, including details regarding online registration and applicability in India:

1. Patent Protection: A patent grants the inventor exclusive rights to an invention for a limited period. This exclusivity empowers you to prevent others from making, using, selling, or importing your invention without your permission.

2. Types of Patents: In India, there are three main types of patents:

  • Utility Patent: This is the most common type of patent and covers new machines, processes, or manufactured items.
  • Design Patent: This patent protects the ornamental design of an article, like the shape or configuration of a product.
  • Patent of Addition: If your invention builds upon an existing patented invention, you can apply for a patent registration of addition.

3. Patent Online Registration: The Indian online Patent Registration Office offers online patent filing to streamline the process. This simplifies application submission and reduces turnaround times.

4. Novelty and Inventive Step: To be patentable, an invention must be novel, inventive, and industrially applicable. Novelty means it must be new and not already publicly known. The inventive step implies it's not obvious to someone skilled in the field. Industrial applicability signifies it can be produced and used in industry.

5. Professional Assistance: Consider seeking professional help from patent attorneys or agents. They can guide you through the intricacies of patent law, draft a strong patent application, and represent you during the registration process.

6. Patent Term: The term of a patent in India is typically 20 years from the date of filing. This provides you with two decades of exclusive rights to your invention.

7. Strong Application: A well-drafted patent registration application with clear claims is crucial for successful registration. Your application should precisely define the scope of your invention and the rights you seek to protect.

Bottom Line:

Patent registration offers inventors a powerful tool to safeguard their creations and reap the benefits of their innovation. Understanding the types of patents, the registration process, and the importance of a strong application empowers you to navigate the patent system effectively. If you're considering patent registration in India, especially through the online system, consulting a patent professional is highly recommended.

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