Key Features of PMTRACK Manufacturing ERP Software
Key Features of PMTRACK Manufacturing ERP Software
Looking for a new manufacturing ERP software? Learn about the best manufacturing ERP features that will help you streamline production and increase growth.Ensure success with PMTRACK's industrial ERP system. Streamline processes, manage inventories, monitor production, optimise scheduling, and increase efficiency.

Key Features of PMTRACK Manufacturing ERP Software

Table of Content

  • Why do Manufacturing Companies Need ERP?
  • Features of PMTRACK Manufacturing ERP Software
  • Conclusion

Manufacturing ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software and systems are a set of integrated tools used by the manufacturing industry to plan, manage, and offer certain features that help manufacturers and their businesses.

Manufacturing ERP is a centralised system that manages data from all stages of the manufacturing business process, from production to payroll. ERP software enables real-time decision-making while automating business processes and applications, resulting in a comprehensive business management platform for manufacturing sectors.

PMTRACK ERP offers the best all-in-one ERP Software for Manufacturing businesses. Our Manufacturing ERP software is specifically developed to connect core manufacturing business operations while lowering operational expenses for the manufacturing industry.

PMTRACK ERP is a Cloud-Based Manufacturing Software that boosts labour efficiency by providing integrated ERP solutions for manufacturing, MRP, BOM, production, planning, purchase, inventory, warehouse, sales, finance, CRM, HR & Payroll, and more.

Why do Manufacturing Companies Need ERP?

The manufacturing module in ERP packages can greatly help both small and large manufacturers. An ERP tool is an excellent fit for every manufacturing business. ERP organizes and combines processes such as manufacturing, procurement, supply chain, and distribution.

Manufacturing ERP solutions improve production efficiency while also providing 360-degree visibility into day-to-day operations. With enhanced visibility, business stakeholders may better coordinate and collaborate.

Let us explore more about the benefits of PMTRACK Manufacturing ERP software.

Manufacturing Modules

Manufacturing modules are an essential element of the PMTRACK manufacturing ERP software. ERP software developed from materials requirement planning (MRP) to incorporate a variety of manufacturing-related modules such as inventory management, production management, and manufacturing execution systems.

Inventory Management

Every manufacturing company requires a sufficient inventory stock to manufacture demanded goods on schedule. PMTRACK manufacturing ERP software gives enterprises comprehensive control over their inventory and raw materials. The software gives producers real-time information about inventory levels and streamlines the stock order process.

Accounting and Finance

PMTRACK ERP software gives manufacturers access to accounting and finance modules that assist them manage their financial activities and accounts, helping them to increase profits and cut costs. Accounting and finance managers can use integration to assign the appropriate budget for raw supplies, labour, and transportation.

Production Planning

PMTRACK ERP software for manufacturing units enables you to plan and schedule production based on demand estimates, raw material availability, and production capacity restrictions. Additionally, you can receive real-time reports on manufacturing progress and capacity utilisation.

Automated Processes

ERP-driven automation enables manufacturers to automate manual procedures, reducing human effort and error. Manufacturing organisations can use technologically advanced software to automate a variety of activities, including procurements, sales invoicing, HR services, and more.

Sales and order management

Customers put orders for the things they require. These customer purchase orders become sales orders at the manufacturer. ERP directs operations to schedule work and buying to order the component supplies required to meet those client requests. ERP also notifies sales management if the order is on schedule, giving them the opportunity to notify the customer if there is a risk. ERP records all needed transactions, which are linked to the sales order requirement. This enables intelligent reporting.

Business intelligence

BI (business intelligence) is an essential feature for any manufacturer. ERP systems monitor all transactions in any module. The time and date of the transaction, as well as who entered it, are recorded. These transactions provide the audit trail, which is an essential component of management control systems.

ERP also relies on configuration and setup records for each module. These may be basic settings for certain transactions. By default, the setting for a make-to-order firm will create links to sales orders. In contrast, a make-to-stock manufacturer will relate those defaults to inventory replenishment projections.

Customer relationship management

Your ERP system contains a customer relationship module, or CRM. This module includes capabilities for tracking all communications between a manufacturer and a customer. These communications can be verbal over the phone or in person. They might be simple advertising pieces sent via mail, digitally, or in any other format. A phone discussion may begin with a simple question, “How are things today?” and progress through multiple follow-ups to a quote and sales order.

Supply Chain and Distribution Management

Inefficient supply chains and distribution can cause delays in production and delivery of completed goods. PMTRACK manufacturing ERP software’s supply chain and distribution management capability can help track goods in real time across numerous supply chain channels. These channels include suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and end users.


Manufacturing companies face numerous challenges when searching for a new ERP system. After comprehending the significance of these aspects, you realize that manufacturing ERP software is essential. ERP software in Pune, India, offers the best ERP software. As a premier ERP software vendor, they have specifically built to meet the special requirements of the manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing businesses must digitize and automate their operations in order to react to changing business environments and maintain a competitive advantage. PMTRACK ERP for manufacturing companies is a technologically advanced system that helps manufacturers achieve operational agility and process efficiency.

Furthermore, deploying this software assists in reducing your manufacturing company’s operational costs while increasing productivity. PMTRACK ERP, an outstanding ERP solution provider, offers the above-mentioned capabilities to help streamline manufacturing operations.

Are you looking for a trusted ERP implementation provider for your manufacturing business? you can contact us today with your business queries and details.


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