Gaming is one of those immensely engaging hobbies. Gamers often find themselves completely engaged in their game characters and lose track of time without even noticing. This industry has drastically evolved; there are countless options available today to enjoy your favorite titles. While gaming is known to improve your motor skills, analytical skills, and decision-making abilities, it also comes at a cost.
This cost is the lack of physical activity because your character in the game is moving but you are not. Prolonged hours of gaming keep you glued to your chair with little or no movement at all. This can cause various problems such as fatigue, constipation, obesity, neck pain, and others. That’s where the role of yoga jumps in to prevent all of this. Yoga is a form of workout with numerous benefits for the body and mind to support the overall well-being of gamers.
Every yoga pose carries unique benefits, so it's important for gamers to choose the right poses. This article will highlight the best poses gamers can practice, keep reading to uncover them.
5 Best Yoga Poses for Gamers to Practice
Apart from yoga preventing the issues caused by excessive gaming, it also improves your overall ability to game better. Certain yoga poses target the right areas which can promote your well-being and enhance your gaming skills. This article has listed all of these poses along with the right ways to practice them. Scroll down to learn more about these poses in detail.
Here are the 5 best yoga poses gamers must practice.
1. Downward Facing Dog
Sitting for long hours crouched in one place can cause back pain and stress to the shoulders. Gamers commonly suffer from such issues and this negatively impacts their overall well-being. This pose is excellent for gamers for several reasons, it lengthens the spine and improves overall body strength. Additionally, it also increases blood circulation which can calm the mind and help with insomnia, headache, and fatigue.
To start, use all your fours, your wrists inline with shoulder and toes tucked. Then as you exhale, push your hips up and back while straightening your legs. Keep your arms engaged and make sure your shoulders are away from your ears. Your core and legs should also be engaged and use your kneecap to lift up. Stay in this position for at least 30 – 50 seconds.
2. Superman Pose
If you ever look at your favorite game fighter characters and wish you had six-pack abs just like them, then the Superman pose can serve you the best. This pose is effective in toning the abdomen and lower back while massaging your spine. This also soothes your back and alleviates discomfort caused by sitting.
Start by lying on your stomach with all of your fours on the floor. Then extend your arms in front of you and your legs behind you. Ensure they are flat on the floor. Then squeeze your core muscles to make your torso stable. Then, lift your upper chest, arms, and legs a few inches above the ground. Then hold this position for a few breaths then lower your arms and legs back down slowly.
3. Warrior Pose
This pose is popular for people with sedentary lifestyles and therefore it fits perfectly for gamers also. This pose is effective in reducing stress from the shoulders, increasing stamina, and bringing balance to the body. Warrior pose also strengthens and tones your legs, arms, and lower back.
Begin by standing on the floor with your right foot forward about four feet. Your foot should be parallel and your toes must be pointing to the top of the mat. Then bend your knee and keep your leg behind your body straight. Turn your heel in 45 degrees and raise your arms above your head. However, most people make mistakes practicing this pose which can lead to injuries. For this, you can practice at YoFIT Hot Studios with certified yoga trainers to prevent making mistakes.
4. Bridge Pose
While it's true that gamers are often so engaged in a game to seek revenge from players and they often forget their body remains in a steady position. This little or no movement may hinder your digestion process. Fortunately, by adding bridge pose to your routine, you can easily deal with such problems. It addresses digestion issues, calms the mind, and reduces anxiety and stress.
You can do this by lying on your back on the floor. Keep your arms at the side of your body and your knees half-bent. Then keep your upper back on the floor and use your feet and upper back strength to lift your body. Your hips and lower back should be above the ground. Stay in this position as long as it feels comfortable.
5. Cat Cow Pose
Cat cow is among the top yoga poses that most people practice. This is vital for your spinal health which is a crucial body part of gamers. The pose movement in the space between each vertebral joint enhances spine mobility from your neck to your lower back. It also stretches the muscles around the spine.
Start on all your fours and bend your knees onto the floor. Your kneecaps should be facing the ground and your toes barely touching the floor. Keep your arms straight and palms on the floor. Then press your hands onto the mat while you spread your shoulder blades apart and move your upper back above. Repeat this movement for a few times.
Elevate Your Gameplay with Effective Yoga Practice
You can use the power of yoga to ensure your well-being while also improving your game skills. You can practice at a professional yoga studio with the availability of expert instructors. You can book your class online and effectively manage the negative effects of gaming with yoga.
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