Science Behind Hair Loss: Cause And Prevention Strategies
Science Behind Hair Loss: Cause And Prevention Strategies
Based on the insights from Dr. Nivedita Dadu at Dadu Medical Centre, this blog will talk about how to prevent hair loss and where to get the Best Hair Transplant in Delhi if you are looking for a more permanent solution. So, let's start!

Losing some hair daily during a hair growth cycle is normal. Usually, the hair grows back, and your head appears as full of hair as before. However, this may not be the case for all people. Due to various reasons, you can experience hair loss without having no clue when your hair grows again. If you are dealing with the same issues related to your hair and want to know why and how to prevent it, you are at the right place! 

Based on the insights from Dr. Nivedita Dadu at Dadu Medical Centre, this blog will talk about how to prevent hair loss and where to get the Best Hair Transplant in Delhi if you are looking for a more permanent solution. So, let's start! 

Hair Loss And Their Types 

It is usual for healthy people to lose up to 100 strands of hair per day. It results from your hair growth cycle, as when new strands grow, they replace the ones you shed. 

But when you start to shed more strands- and among them, fewer or none grow back- the considered is to be identified to be alopecia (hair loss). There can be several types of hair loss affecting anyone. You may not lose your hair just from your head but also your body. 

Hair Loss Types

Some types of hair loss are permanent, but others can be temporary; some of the most observed hair loss types are: 

  • Androgenic Alopecia: This is a type of heredity baldness, and it can affect anyone, resulting in male and female pattern baldness 
  • Alopecia Areata: Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease resulting in hair loss from head to body.  
  • Telogen Effluvium: This type of hair loss involves rapid hair shedding quickly. It usually happens a few months after your body goes through emotional and physical stress. Moreover, it can also result from unexpected hormonal changes. 
  • Anagen Effluvium: This is a rapid hair loss due to certain medical conditions such as chemotherapy. 


Depending on the types of hair loss and what causes it, the common symptoms may include: 

  • Receding hairline 
  • Loss of hair on the scalp and body 
  • Loss of small patches of the hair on the scalp 
  • Thinning of hair all over the head 

What Causes Hair Loss?

Hair loss can result due to various reasons; the common ones can include: 

  • Fungal infections on the scalp 
  • Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth or menopause 
  • Thyroid disease 
  • Increased stress like having surgery or losing a loved one 
  • Hairstyles that pull the hair tightly 
  • Medical treatments such as chemotherapy and particular medications 
  • Not getting enough iron or protein 
  • Hereditary hair loss from genetics 
  • Haircare products that may damage your hair 

Diagnosis of Hair Loss And Treatment 

To determine the correct diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe: 

  • Examine your medical history
  • Ask about your medical history 
  • Examine your scalp for signs of infection 
  • Blood tests to measure thyroid function and iron test
  • Take a scalp biopsy to check for skin disease, if any 

Methods To Treat Hair Loss

Medications: On your doctor's prescription, you can apply over-the-counter medicines to your scalp, such as minoxidil or Rogaine®, as they are the first course of treatment for thinning hair. Moreover, oral medication is also approved, finasteride or Propecia® for men in case of male pattern baldness.

Hair Transplant: If you are looking for a more permanent solution and have lost all hope, you can opt for a hair transplant. There are two methods that your doctor follows to give you the best results, and they are: 

  • Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): This process involves removing a strip of skin from the donor area, usually from the back of the head and extracting hair follicles from it for transplantation to the bald or thinning areas. This method is best known for its efficient harvesting of a large number of grafts in a single session. 
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): In this method, individual hair follicles are extracted directly from the donor area, usually from the back of the head, using small punches. These follicles are then transplanted to the recipient areas of hair loss or thinning, allowing for a more precise and less invasive procedure than FUT. 

What Steps To Follow To Prevent Hair Loss? 

You can always prevent hair loss without medical help, but you can follow specific steps to keep your hair healthy and minimize the loss. The steps you can follow are: 

  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Avoid harsh hairstyles that pull your hair 
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in calories, protein and iron 
  • Manage thyroid disease and other medical conditions that result in hair loss

Final Words

Hair loss can be emotionally challenging and can leave a permanent impact on your mental health. However, the good news is that you can regain your hair with the hair transplant procedure. 

If you seek the Best Dermatologist in Delhi to plan for a hair loss treatment like a hair transplant, you can consult Dr. Nivedita Dadu at Dadu Medical Centre. With over 19 years of experience and a compassionate approach, she holds a proven record of providing successful skin and hair treatments to her patients. You can book your appointment with her by visiting Dadu Medical Centre at Rajouri Garden (West Delhi) and Vasant Vihar (South Delhi). So visit now! 


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