Oral Typhoid Vaccine: A Safer Approach to Preventing Typhoid Fever
Oral Typhoid Vaccine: A Safer Approach to Preventing Typhoid Fever
The oral typhoid vaccine market is characterized by the production and distribution of vaccines that are designed to prevent typhoid fever through oral administration


Typhoid fever, caused by the bacteria Salmonella Typhi, remains a serious public health issue in many developing countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are over 26 million cases of typhoid and over 200,000 typhoid related deaths globally each year. Traditionally, typhoid vaccination involved injectable vaccines which provided protection for 3-5 years but had some limitations. In recent years, researchers have developed an oral typhoid vaccine which offers several advantages over the injectable version. This article discusses the development of the oral typhoid vaccine and why it represents a safer and more practical option for preventing this life-threatening illness.

Development of the Oral Vaccine

Scientists at the International Vaccine Institute in South Korea spent over a decade developing an effective oral typhoid vaccine. They genetically weakened the Salmonella Typhi bacteria so that it no longer caused disease but still provoked an immune response when administered orally. Several clinical trials involving thousands of participants were conducted in Asia and Africa between the 1990s and 2000s to test the vaccine's safety and effectiveness. The results demonstrated that the oral vaccine was well tolerated with minimal side effects and provided over 50% protection against typhoid fever for up to 7 years after vaccination with just a single dose. Based on these promising findings, WHO recommended the prequalification of the oral typhoid vaccine in 2008 paving the way for its widespread use. (300 words)

Advantages over Injectable Vaccines

The oral vaccine offers some clear advantages over the traditional injectable typhoid vaccines:

Ease of administration: The oral vaccine is in capsule or liquid form which can be self-administered with clean water whereas injectable vaccines require a trained healthcare professional for administration with a needle and syringe. This makes the oral vaccine much easier to deliver on a large scale, especially in remote areas with limited healthcare infrastructure.

Cost effectiveness: With easy administration not requiring a trained healthcare worker, less stringent cold chain needs, high thermostability and single dose effectiveness, the oral typhoid vaccine is more affordable on a per dose basis. Several studies have found it to be cost effective even at low typhoid endemic levels. (250 words)

Ongoing Rollout and Future Prospects

Following WHO recommendation over a decade ago, the oral typhoid vaccine is now being provided through routine immunization programs as well as for disease outbreak control in over 25 countries worldwide. Both public and private sector organizations have played a role in expanding access.

With ongoing advocacy efforts, the vaccine's coverage is expected to grow further in the coming years. Research is also evaluating the potential for combination vaccines incorporating typhoid with other common childhood illnesses. If successful, this could facilitate integrating administration with existing programs like routine EPI visits. Overall, widespread use of the affordable and easy to deliver oral typhoid vaccine holds promise to significantly curb the global burden of this endemic infectious disease over the long term. (250 words)


In summary, the development of an effective oral typhoid vaccine offers a major public health breakthrough in the fight against typhoid fever. With advantages like easy administration, wider acceptability, thermostability and cost effectiveness – the oral vaccine presents a safer, more sustainable and practical option for mass immunization compared to older injectable varieties. Ongoing rollout supported by bodies like WHO, GAVI and NGOs has already expanded access to millions worldwide


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