How to Handle a Meth Comedown: Tips for Recovery and Well-being
How to Handle a Meth Comedown: Tips for Recovery and Well-being
Meth or methamphetamine is a neurotoxin drug that the specialist prescribed for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Meth or methamphetamine is a neurotoxin drug that the specialist prescribed for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It keeps the brain alert and helps to fight with daytime sleepiness. 


However, it has a long-term impact on brain chemicals and alters the functioning of dopamine and serotonin. Because of its high dependency pattern, the specialist will not prescribe it for longer and keep you under strict monitoring when under the medicine.

What is meth comedown?

When you decide to live a sober life and stop the addiction to meth, the phase will come where you have the meth comedown, and you have several unpleasant symptoms. 


As you have developed a dependency on the drug and your body is no longer capable of functioning without it, things will change when you abruptly stop taking medicine.


Your whole brain and body chemicals change, and this affects your body function. It damages brain memory, and prolonged use can permanently damage brain neurotransmitters. 


Even after stopping the medicines, you may continue to experience some unusual symptoms, especially memory loss and jitteriness. 


The meth stays in the body up to 10 to 12 hours after the last usage, and after that period, meth comes down and starts when you have intense cravings and unpleasant feelings. 

Know about the meth comedown phases.

From 10 to 12 hours 


The moment you stop taking the meth, some of the unpleasant symptoms will start within 24 hours. So you will start feeling low as all your energy has drained out. Your mood changes frequently, and you will feel agitated and irritable.


Between the 2nd to 4th day 


Now the symptoms start to peak; this is the worst phase of meth withdrawals. You will have some symptoms accompanied by memory loss and inability to retain new information. 


You will have intense cravings for the meth, and you may feel highly depressed and low. This phase also leads to a lack of concentration and a high feeling of irritability. 


Between the 4th and 7th day


You may feel a bit better, and symptoms have started wearing off. However, you may still feel tired and have insomnia problems. However, now you may feel less agitated and irritated. 


Post week 


Now the crash period starts, you may have fully recovered from the physical symptoms, but now you have an intense feeling of sadness. You still may have an intense craving for drugs, but the sense of hopelessness and losing your calm will persist. 

What are the symptoms of meth comedown symptoms?

  • Fatigues

  • Losing interest in any activity

  • Nausea

  • Body aches

  • Depression

  • Difficulty making decision

  • Poor impulse control

What are the tips for recovery from meth comedown?

Get in touch with a professional


The foremost step is to seek help from a withdrawal specialist who can assist you with a comprehensive line of treatment to ease down the comedown symptoms.


They will treat the condition based on the symptoms and closely monitor you for the first few days.


Join the support group.


In support groups, you will find people struggling with the same issues. It could be a great way to explore the coping mechanism for the comedown and intense craving.


You may also come across people whose journey may be even more challenging and how they manage to remain dedicated and give up addiction. In a nutshell, these groups may be your source of motivation.


Get a sound sleep


The meth addiction may keep you awake, and it could be hard for you to have a sound sleep. However, reading before bedtime, walking, or avoiding the screen can help you induce sound sleep.


It can also help reduce restlessness and assist in better impulse control, which in turn helps in better understanding and good decision-making. 


Better nutrition and hydration


Meth addiction suppresses hunger, and as a result, you may suffer from nutritional deficiencies. When you have a high level of deficiencies, your immunity may be in a compromised state, and as a result, you may struggle to keep well while keeping down with meth. 

Also, the meth has the ability to drain you and let you have dehydration. In that case, if you take care of the hydration, you can combat some of the unpleasant symptoms that you may have during meth withdrawals. 


Keep busy

The anxiety and depression may grasp you, but you can deal with such situations by remaining busy and distracted. Engage in activities that make you happy and away from the mental health conditions. 


Holistic approach

The multifaceted line of treatment is the best way to deal with meth comedown and live a drug-free life. Join the rehab, where they will train you with some life skills, such as how you can decrease the cravings and how you can effectively manage the unpleasant feelings that you suffer from time to time.

Meditation, yoga, massage therapies, and acupuncture are some of the methods that can relax you. 


Meth withdrawals are very unpleasant, and the addiction can alter the brain functionality, wherein you may have damage to the nerve forever. The comedowns depend upon several factors, such as how long you are abusing drugs, gender, the presence of any health conditions, and many more.

The right approach and line of treatment is the best option that helps to deal with the negative emotions and keep cravings at bay. 


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