6 SEO Tips Every Writer Should Know
6 SEO Tips Every Writer Should Know
6 SEO Tips Every Writer Should Know. Many people may find it difficult to develop content for their own company blog. After all, it's not just about the text – you also need to pay attention to SEO techniques.

6 SEO Tips Every Writer Should Know

6 SEO Tips Every Writer Should Know:


Many people may find it difficult to develop content for their own company blog. After all, it's not just about the text – you also need to pay attention to SEO techniques, so that it reaches the right audience. It is important that it has the correct keywords, facilitates dynamic reading and provides all the information clearly.

SEO, Search Engine Optimization, or search engine optimization in literal translation, is the chance to be recognized by Google. And, in this way, appear in the first search results.

Google's ultra-fast results, often in less than a second, don't happen by chance. This, and other internet search engines, carry out a thorough analysis, based on a series of rules to determine the relevance of each site.

Therefore, it is necessary to optimize your website, so that your content can be interpreted as relevant by search engines. Most of this content will certainly be on your blog and therefore, when creating text, it must be aimed exactly at the page's SEO in UAE.

How to do this? It's simpler than it seems. Check out 6 SEO tips that every digital writer should know:


01- Keywords:

In an SEO strategy, searching for the most relevant keywords is essential. With prior research you can know what your persona's pain is and how that text should be developed to have a good result in the end.


Google itself has a tool to help with this choice. To use the Keyword Planner, you only need a Google Adwords account. With this tool you can see the search volume for each word related to the topic you want to write about and can even provide new ideas.


Once you have chosen the keyword that will guide the content, you need to use it. This word needs to be in the title, subtitle, Google meta-description and, most importantly, within the text itself. Ideally, its volume should be between 1% and 2% in the text. In other words, in a thousand-word content, 100 to 200 of these should be your keyword.


The idea of ​​keywords is also to solve a question for your audience. Develop the text thinking about the search that will be carried out, focusing on quality content. This also counts points with Google's relevance analysis system.



02- Heading Tags

In the past, in general terms, texts used to be one thing. More than a thousand words run in just a small space in the newspaper or magazine. The internet has changed this interaction. Users need spaces to read more dynamically and focus on the specific point of interest within the text.


Therefore, in content focused on SEO, it is essential to work with subtitles and topics, heading tags – also known as Hs. Click Here for SEO Services in Dubai


There are three main ones, H1 as the main title, H2 for subtitles and H3 for some extra emphasis within the text. Each H must contain a maximum of 300 words so that Google understands that your text is well divided and will not tire the reader.


Additionally, the keyword must appear in the H1 main heading and at least one H2 subheading.


03- Internal and external links

The famous hyperlinks are extremely important for SEO. Make internal links, to pages within the website itself. Or even external links to other websites, validating data and sources on the subject of the text.


But be careful, don't throw links left and right within the text. It is important to only do this when it makes sense and in an orderly manner.


Create links to websites and blogs that are relevant in your area of ​​activity. That they have quality content and are good references for the text you are writing. And also avoid excessive external links – too many hyperlinks can irritate your reader. Focus on internal links and use really relevant external ones to complement the content.



04- Relevant and simplified content

The content itself must also follow a standard for SEO. Digital readers open different texts, in different tabs – all at the same time. Your theme needs to capture this user's attention, so that they remain on your website's tab.


A well-divided text, with simple and objective language – can help keep the reader on your page. The idea is to make reading easier, without elaborate language or difficult words. Click Here for SEO Agency in ABU Dhabi


It's as if you were explaining an area of ​​your company to someone who is new to the subject. This person will not understand technical language, so adjustments need to be made to clearly explain the entire process. This is how your text should work.


Also don’t forget to use bold. Choose specific excerpts to highlight your text even more, ensuring that your reader keeps reading until the end.


05- Visual resources

Visual resources can capture the reader's attention, helping to understand the text and help in the form of a rest – a break between many words.


Relevant content can be more than just plain text. Infographics, images and videos can complement your information and bring something extra to your readers.


Not to mention that these resources are very well regarded by Google. Bring relevant images to your text and get ready to optimize them in your SEO strategy. The first step is to save the image with the content keyword, as well as a caption and alternative text also with that keyword. This repetition in visuals helps with Google analytics.


But don't use very heavy images, as this will affect your site's loading speed. Lightweight and faster pages have a higher chance of being shown in search results.


06- Text settings

And before publishing the text with all the SEO strategies, you need to configure it. Some WordPress plugins make this configuration easier, like Yoast. There you can define your title, meta-description (with around 150 characters, which appears right below the title in Google search) and also shorten your URL. Never let URL generation be automatic, optimize so that your keyword is there and that it is short and simple.



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