Why Solar Projects Get Delayed: Lessons from Permitting and Interconnection
Discover why solar projects face delays and learn key lessons from permitting and interconnection challenges.

Why Solar Projects Get Delayed: Lessons from Permitting and Interconnection

Complicated permitting processes, lengthy interconnection studies, grid capacity limits, and coordination issues with utilities and AHJs are the biggest reasons solar projects get delayed. Project installation timelines are slowed down by paperwork, technical reviews, and local regulations. In today’s world solar energy has proved as a key player in the global transition to cleaner energy sources, offering a renewable and sustainable alternative to fossil fuels and other harmful resources. Solar industry is booming all over the world, because of climate change. Even with the growing support for solar power from authorities, solar projects are facing delays, which can hurt both financial projections and the overall adoption of renewables.


Why Solar Projects Get Delayed: Lessons from Permitting and Interconnection

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