Leverage with Media PR — Your PR Success Partner
Leverage with Media PR — Your PR Success Partner
Leverage with Media PR is a modern public relations agency founded by Lauren Cobello. We are a boutique PR firm focusing on PR strategies for celebrities

Leverage with Media PR — Your PR Success Partner

Leverage with Media PR is a modern public relations agency founded by Lauren Cobello. We are a boutique PR firm focusing on PR strategies for celebrities, CEOs, and entrepreneurial non-fiction books. Our goal is to provide a platform through which aspiring entrepreneurs can start to get the attention they deserve and help get their literary masterpieces on TV — propelling them into speaking opportunities and helping them navigate the path to maximized success.

PR strategies for celebrities


Who We Are

At Leverage with Media PR, we have a dynamic team of experienced public relations experts with over 80 years of combined experience. We are passionate storytellers and love empowering entrepreneurs, so we work on the best relationships with top-tier media, producers, and influencers across all media to get the message out in the most effective and impactful manner. We have both proven effective at devising tailor-made strategies that guarantee your book is seen on TV, from local networks to major international channels.

Our Mission

Our ultimate goal is to see you become a successful author and change your literary career forever. We are firm on our stand that each entrepreneur has a unique tale that should be heard and known by the masses. So, we work hard to create strong and captivating stories that people can click on and leave a lasting impact.

When to Invest in PR

If you feel like no one or not enough of the right people are paying attention, you are invisible! You and Your Brand Need a Voice!

We help CEOs and Entrepreneurs know when to use PR as a secret weapon.

  • When You Have a Clear Message: PR investment is most effective when you have a solid, well-equipped brand message along with a clear-cut vision and values.
  • Launching a New Product or Service: PR can help drive notice to your launch, reach the audience you need to reach, and expand into the right demographics.
  • When You’re Ready to Build Credibility:Effective PR is very helpful for building your brand credibility and providing it with thought leadership and assertive positioning in an industry.
  • Seeking Investment or Partnerships: Your brand needs to prove its worth and potential to draw in either investors or strategic partners.

How We Achieve Your Success

  • Television Spotlights: Our team makes sure you are represented on strategic television spots, such as Talk shows, news programming, and book-focused programs. We ensure that your book reaches millions of viewers and potential readers.
  • Full PR Campaign: We take the time to understand your book’s unique selling points, your personal brand, and your target audience. This allows us to create tailored strategies that maximize exposure and impact, ultimately leading to increased book sales and revenue.
  • Media Relations: We have many journalist contacts in our network, so you can get noticed by influential journalists, reviewers, and critics. We develop stories that are interesting enough that the media wants to cover them and help your credibility as an author grow.
  • Brand Building: In addition to promoting your book, we work on building you up as an authoritative figure in your space. We also get you in the door with new opportunities, partnerships, and media appearances that will contribute to your long-term success.

Media Training for CEOs

At Leverage with Media PR, we teach CEOs how to crush their next media appearance, TV segment, & radio interview. Our training teaches everything you need, from gaining confidence and poise to delivering a captivating message.

  • Confidence and Poise: Media training allows you to communicate with confidence and poise, elements that will make you a more effective and powerful spokesperson for your brand.
  • Crisis Communication: Create a plan to answer difficult questions and quell crisis problems in order to safeguard the reputation of your brand.
  • Effective Messaging: Craft and transmit clear and impactful key messages that your audience understands and can remember.

Meticulous Media Placement

We meticulously handle media placement to ensure maximum impact, from targeted outreach and compelling storytelling to consistent follow-up.

  • Know Your Audience: Identify where your audience consumes media. Shine your light on the platforms and publications they trust and engage with regularly.
  • Customize your pitch: Make sure that you personalize every pitch to the individual media outlet and its journalists. Highlight why your story matters to their readers or viewers.
  • Measure and Analyze Your Coverage: Follow up, monitor media placements, measure results, and adapt your strategy based on what works most effectively.

What Makes Us Different

  • Founder Expertise: Our agency is founded by Lauren Cobello, a three-time author herself, who has personal experience and demonstrates firsthand understanding of the world of authors
  • Comprehensive Support: Not only do we help you land press coverage, but we also provide brand coaching to ensure you make the most out of it. Get coached on using the press to grow your brand, make more money, & amp up your industry street credibility.
  • Strategic Book Ordering: We order your books strategically so all of your purchases count toward sales, following every nuance in book sales for the highest effect.
  • Help with Bestseller Status: We organize strategic speaking opportunities for you to sell bulk copies of your book so you can more easily become a bestseller.

Your Success is Our Success

“Your Success is Our Success” is our motto at Leverage with Media PR. There is nothing that makes our hearts sing more than watching our clients grow, seeing their books soar to bestseller lists, and watching them step into the spotlight as industry leaders!

And at the same time, your passion moves us to do everything we possibly can to help make your dream come to reality.

Ready to Elevate Your Book and Grow Your Audience with Impact?

Leverage with Media PR is that partner! With your assistance, we will craft a compelling story that television producers will want to hear that public event organizers will wish to invite to their summits, and you will be on your way to a more prosperous future.


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