EMF Shielding Devices: Protecting Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation
EMF Shielding Devices: Protecting Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation
With nearly everyone carrying around a cell phone nowadays, concerns about the effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation from these devices has come to the forefront.

With nearly everyone carrying around a cell phone nowadays, concerns about the effects of electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation from these devices has come to the forefront. While the research is still ongoing on long term impacts of EMF exposure, many believe it is better to be safe than sorry. Enter EMF shielding devices - accessories designed to block or reduce the electromagnetic fields emitted from cell phones and other electronic devices. In this article, we explore the need for EMF shielding, the types of products available, and their effectiveness at blocking radiation.

The Need for EMF Shielding
Cell phones communicate with towers through radiofrequency signals, otherwise known as non-ionizing radiation. While this type of radiation is less energetic than ionizing radiation like X-rays, long term exposure to it raises questions. Some studies have linked cell phone use to increased risk of brain tumors, decreased sperm counts, and disrupted sleep. Children may be especially vulnerable since their brains are still developing. Since we can't avoid using our cell phones, blocking radiation is a sensible precaution. EMF shielding products provide a layer of protection between your body and the phone.

Types of EMF Shielding Devices
Phone Cases: Phone cases with EMF shielding technology are a convenient way to shield your smartphone. Look for cases labeled with shielding effectiveness of 99% or more. They use special materials like copper, nickel, and silver in their construction to block wireless signals. Be sure to check if the shielding works on both cellular and WiFi frequencies.

Wallet and Bag Shields: For extra protection, you can carry your phone and other devices inside a shielded wallet, purse insert, or bag liner. These accessories are often portable and designed to shield in all directions, protecting against radiation whether the phone is in use or in sleep mode. Materials like nickel and silver plated nylon are used.

Car and Household Shielding: For locations where you spend extended periods of time, consider EMF shielding for your vehicle or spaces in your home. Shielding decals, paints, and conductive wallpaper can block WiFi and cellular signals in your car or specific rooms. Window films, curtains and roofing materials with shielding properties also exist.

How EMF Shielding Products Work
All shielding devices work on the same basic principle - they contain conductive materials that can intercept and redirect outgoing EMF waves from electronic equipment before they penetrate the body. These materials, such as copper, nickel, carbon, and conductive inks/fabrics create a barrier where electromagnetic signals are absorbed or scattered rather than passing through unimpeded. The density and layering of shielding material determines its shielding effectiveness against various radiation frequencies. Most reputable products are tested to block over 99% of signals.

Do EMF Shielding Products really work?
While more studies need to be done, initial research indicates that properly designed shielding products can provide meaningful protection from cell phone radiation:

- A 2014 study tested various phone cases and found copper-mesh variants reduced radiation absorption in a simulated head by up to 42%.

- Independent lab testing showed a conductive-fabric purse insert reduced RF radiation penetrating through by up to 96-98% across cellular frequencies when the phone was placed inside.

- One experiment measured reduced blood cell damage, brain wave disruption and melatonin suppression in volunteers exposed to cell phone radiation after using a shielded desktop device.

- Car entry decals claiming 99% EMF blocking were able to cut measured in-vehicle radiation by 92% according to one analysis.

More real world use is still needed to verify long term effectiveness under different conditions. But early scientific evidence gives credibility to EMF shielding devices being able to considerably lessen radiation absorption in situations where they create a conductive barrier between the phone and user. With persistent cell phone usage a modern reality, these accessories provide added safety and peace of mind.

Choosing an EMF Shielding Product
When selecting a shielding accessory, research independent testing to substantiate its rated shielding effectiveness. Make sure it will block both cellular and WiFi frequencies. For phones, cases with a fine copper mesh internally provide optimal coverage. Wallet/purse shields should surround devices fully. And materials like copper, nickel, and silver are most conductive. Shielding is wasted if it's against your body but not covering all phone surfaces. With the options available, there's no reason not to give yourself and loved ones an extra layer of radiation protection every day.


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