Acid Pickling Roll Market Growth Drivers and Restraints
Acid Pickling Roll Market Growth Drivers and Restraints
Global acid pickling roll market is estimated to be valued at US$ 914.1 Mn in 2023, and is projected to reach US$ 1,167 Mn by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 3.5% from 2023 to 2030.

Acid Pickling Roll Market Growth Drivers and Restraints


Acid Pickling Roll: A Key Process for Surface Treatment of Steel Sheets

Acid pickling is an important chemical process used for surface treatment of steel sheets. In this process, sheets of steel are passed through tanks containing acid solutions to remove rust, scale and other surface contaminants from the metal surface. This process plays a vital role in preparing steel for downstream coating and finishing applications. Let us understand the acid pickling roll process in detail.

What is Acid Pickling?
Acid pickling involves immersing steel sheets in acidic solutions, commonly hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid, to dissolve and remove surface oxide layers and impurities. The aggressive acid chemically reacts with ferrous oxide (rust) and other contaminants to convert them into soluble compounds that can be washed away. This results in a clean, oxide-free steel surface. Various proprietary acid mixtures are employed depending on the type and grade of steel being treated.

Acid Pickling Process Flow
The basic process flow of acid pickling involves the following key steps:
1. Conditioning: Steel coils are unwound from pay-offs and passed through an alkaline conditioning tank to neutralize residual acidity on the surface.
2. Pickling: After conditioning, coils enter hot acid pickling tanks containing agitated hydrochloric or sulfuric acid solutions heated to 50-80°C. Residence time ranges from 2-10 minutes.
3. Water Washing: Coils then undergo multistage water washing to remove adhering acid solutions and dissolved contaminants.
4. Drying: Finally, coils pass through drying sections with air knives and infrared heaters to evaporate residual water moisture.

Role of Acid Pickling Rolls
In order to ensure uniform pickling and maximum removal of surface oxides across the steel width, acid pickling tanks employ a system of horizontal and/or vertical acid pickling rolls. As the coil passes through the tank, these rolls serve to scrub and agitate the steel surface, enhancing contact with acid solutions. Some key benefits of using acid pickling rolls include:

- Uniform Pickling Action: Rolling motion draws acid upward between rolls and steel, promoting consistent pickling across entire sheet width.
- Improved Reproducibility: Acid circulation and contact is more repeatable compared to plain tank processes.
- Oxide Dissolution: Intensive mechanical scrubbing using small diameter rolls enhances dissolution of tough oxide scales.
- Compact Equipment: Rolls allow for more compact tank designs compared to plain agitated tanks.

Effect of Process Parameters
The efficiency and quality of acid pickling roll is influenced by various operating parameters:

- Acid Concentration & Type: Concentrated HCl or H2SO4 solutions are commonly used. Concentration affects pickling rate.
- Temperature: Higher temperatures of 50-80°C accelerate chemical reactions but may cause damage at excessive levels.
- Line Speed: Higher speeds reduce residence time but rolling motion maintains contact at optimum speeds.
- Tank Size & Roller Spacing: Equipment is designed for roll lengths to ensure uniform contact.
- Roller Diameter & Material: Small diameter (50-100mm) rolls of materials like ceramic provide necessary scrubbing without damage.

Challenges in Acid Pickling
Some key challenges in acid pickling operations include:
1. Rust Inhibition: Residual moisture can cause rusting if steel is not dried properly after pickling.
2. Environmental Regulations: Acid handling and treatment of spent acids require compliance with environmental norms.
3. Equipment Corrosion: Acid solutions are corrosive in nature and tanks, rolls require proper material lining.
4. Steel Surface Damage: Excessive pickling temperature or long residence can cause surface etching or burnishing.
5. Tank Scaling: Calcium and magnesium present in steel can cause acid-insoluble scale deposits in tanks over time.

In conclusion, acid pickling using horizontal and vertical rolls is a critical metal surface treatment process that helps produce oxide and contaminant-free steel surfaces suitable for high-quality downstream applications after careful removal of impurities. Proper control of process parameters ensures uniform, consistent and defect-free pickled steel surfaces.


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