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CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles, microparticles and their coatings for R&D and commercialization in a wide variety of application areas including in-vitro diagnostics, biochemistry, cellular analysis, cell separation, immunoassay.

joined at 11 months ago

    Mastering Colloidal Gold Handling, Storage, and Applica...

    Colloidal gold is a certain-size gold particle synthesized by gold ion redu...

    • RichardG111

    Introduction to Drug Delivery System Based on Apoptotic...

    Extracellular vesicles are a series of membrane-structured vesicles release...

    • RichardG111

    How to Calculate the Volume, Mass, and Concentration of...

    Gold is a chemically stable metal with a molar mass of 196.96657 g/m and a...

    • RichardG111

    Natural Nanocarriers for Delivery Protein Drug

    Protein accounts for 18-20% of the total mass of the human body and is the...

    • RichardG111

    Enhancing Immunoassays with Carboxylated Magnetic Beads...

    Carboxyl magnetic beads are a kind of biological magnetic beads, which gene...

    • RichardG111