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CD Bioparticles is a leading manufacturer and supplier of various nanoparticles, microparticles and their coatings for R&D and commercialization in a wide variety of application areas including in-vitro diagnostics, biochemistry, cellular analysis, cell separation, immunoassay.

joined at 11 months ago

    CD Bioparticles Announces Offering of Polystyrene Famil...

    CD Bioparticles announces the availability of Polystyrene Family polymers f...

    • RichardG111

    CD Bioparticles Announces New Line of Conjugated Agaros...

    CD Bioparticles announces the launch of its new line of Conjugated Agarose...

    • RichardG111


    CD Bioparticles proudly announces the launch of its Agarose Particles for i...

    • RichardG111


    CD Bioparticles is proud to announce the launch of its Polyacrylamides.

    • RichardG111

    PLGA Nano Drug Carrier

    Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) is a functional polymer organic compou...

    • RichardG111

    Colored Polystyrene Particles in Developing Rapid and A...

    POCT (Point-of-Care Testing) refers to clinical and bedside testing conduct...

    • RichardG111

    Progress in the Development of Targeted Anti-Tumor Anti...

    Antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) are conjugated products of monoclonal antib...

    • RichardG111

    Exploring Dyed Polystyrene Latex Particles Enhancing Im...

    Polystyrene particles (PSP) are commercially available in different sizes,...

    • RichardG111

    Research on the Application of Nanoformulation in Trans...

    As a promising systemic drug delivery method, transdermal drug delivery sys...

    • RichardG111

    Zeta Potential: A Fundamental Measure for Colloidal Beh...

    Zeta potential (ZP) is a physical property exhibited by any particle in a s...

    • RichardG111

    Application of Carrageenan Hydrogel in Biomedical Field

    Hydrogel is a three-dimensional network of hydrophilic polymers that swells...

    • RichardG111

    Illuminating the World of Plasmonic Nanoparticles: Unve...

    Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS...

    • RichardG111

    Micelle vs Liposome

    Micelles refer to molecularly ordered aggregates that begin to form in larg...

    • RichardG111

    Gold Nanoparticles in Medicine: A Tiny Marvel with Big...

    With the continuous development of nanotechnology, gold nanoparticles are w...

    • RichardG111

    Application of 3D Printing Bioinks Tissue Repair and Re...

    3D bioprinting is a novel technology that can create structures that can co...

    • RichardG111