Why Are Bed Bugs So Hard To Kill?

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Hi, my name is Shu Ying. I work as a marketing executive at Avalon Services. I love doing photography and capturing every small detail about commercial cleaning and maintenance tips and sharing ideas through blogging. I used to write about different topics like choosing the best office cleaner, carpet cleaning services, office disinfection, and marble floor polishing in Singapore.
Why Are Bed Bugs So Hard To Kill?
Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to kill, but why is that so? This post reviews the different reasons behind the bed bug’s resilience against conventional pest control methods in Singapore.

Bed bugs are among Singapore’s most common pests, thanks to our nation being a major global travel hub. Many people come in and out for both business and leisure, so the bugs can hitch rides on their belongings and infest any property – especially if it has mattresses and upholstered furniture. 


It's even more unfortunate that bed bugs can’t be killed so easily. In many cases, you'd have to call for help from professional pest control services in Singapore


But what makes these insects notoriously hard to eradicate from our homes and business establishments? Let’s find out more about the main reasons here. 

What Makes Bed Bugs Difficult to Kill?

The primary reason bed bugs are such hardy creatures is due to the many useful evolutionary traits they have developed over millions of years. For starters: 

A Sturdy Exoskeleton

Bed bugs have tough exoskeletons that make them more resistant to common insecticides. The outer shell has enzymes that break down the chemicals and render the insecticide useless. 


This adaptation is so effective that it's believed that the exoskeletons today are already around 15% more resilient than those from two decades ago. 

Small Enough to Fit in Small Spaces

Bed bugs are also challenging to find and remove due to their size. An adult bed bug is about as tiny as an apple seed, which makes it easy for them to hide in cracks, crevices, and other gaps where you can’t reach them.  


Locating and treating all infested areas would be a tricky matter without the help of a pest control service in Singapore

Lasts A Long Time Without Food 

Another frustrating trait that bed bugs have is their ability to survive extended periods without a meal. Unlike other pests that need a stable food source, there's no guarantee that the bed bugs will be gone from a building even if no one has occupied it for a long time. 

Rapid Reproduction

Bed bug infestations are also difficult to completely eradicate because they breed at alarming rates. A female bed bug spends most of her life laying around 500 or more eggs. You could have a colony numbering in the thousands if you leave them unchecked on your property. 

What Can Kill a Bed Bug?

Hard to kill bed bugs may be, but immortal they are not. There are a few ways to get rid of bed bugs, such as through:

Extreme Heat

This is typically the go-to solution against bed bugs, even for many pest control services in Singapore. Hot washing or steaming fabrics in temperatures of at least 45ºC can kill any bugs on them. 


Some pest control experts even have specialised equipment for heating entire rooms so they can effectively kill bed bugs in hiding.


Just as extreme heat can destroy bed bugs, so can the cold. Temperatures of -18ºC or lower can kill them if they are exposed to it for several hours. You could use this method for infested items that cannot be heat-treated.

Bed Bug-specific Insecticides

It's true that bed bugs have developed a resistance to many insecticides. But that doesn't mean no products are effective against them. There are commercial insect sprays that are specifically formulated to deal with bed bugs – many of them being non-toxic and plant-based. 


Due to the bug’s potential growing resistance against such products, consider using various combinations and see what works best. You can also consult your local pest control specialist on how to use different treatments. 

You Can Get Help From Your Pest Control Company

Bed bugs may be highly resilient, but they're not invincible. If you need help dealing with an infestation in your home or business, don't hesitate to call your trusted pest control service in Singapore. They understand how difficult killing these bugs can be and already have the expertise and equipment to get rid of them successfully. 


When it comes to pest problems, it’s always in your best interest to get a professional involved.

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