Top tips for moving with pets
Top tips for moving with pets
Follow these top tips for moving with pets such as booking appointments early, using crates for travel, designating safe rooms and more to ensure your furry friends transition smoothly to the new home.

Moving to a new home can be stressful not only for you but also for your furry friends. As their owner, it’s important to take steps to make the moving process as smooth and comfortable for your pets as possible. Here are some top tips to help make moving with pets less difficult:


Do your research

If you’re internationally moving, make sure to do your homework on any requirements for traveling or relocating with pets. For example, certain areas may require health certificates or vaccinations for pets entering their jurisdiction. Knowing these rules ahead of time ensures you’ll be prepared when it comes time to make the move.

Additionally, research things like pet-friendly apartments or rental homes in your new location. You certainly don’t want to get stuck needing to scramble to find housing that allows pets at the last minute!

Book appointments early

Schedule any necessary veterinarian appointments for exams, vaccinations, obtaining health certificates, etc. as far in advance of moving day as possible. You don’t want to be stressing about squeezing in a vet visit the week before the move. Making these arrangements early provides peace of mind that your pets will be ready to go when moving day arrives.

It’s also smart to book early appointments with groomers, dog walkers or pet sitters who may be helping care for your animals around the time of the move.

Gather supplies

Well in advance of moving day, start gathering supplies like a sturdy pet carrier, dishes, leashes, medications, pet first aid kit, cleaning products, and ample food and water. Having these items packed ahead of time will make moving day go much more smoothly.

You’ll also want to set aside things you’ll need while in transit, like bowls, poop bags, a favorite toy or two, treats, and anything your pet will need to be comfortable during the journey to your new home.

Update their ID tags

Make sure your pets are wearing up-to-date ID tags with your new address and phone number. This ensures if they happen to slip away during the commotion of moving, they can be promptly reunited with you.

Consider also having pets microchipped if possible, so they have an extra layer of identification when moving.

Practice with crates or carriers

If your pet will be traveling in a crate or carrier, help them get comfortable with it long before moving day arrives. Allow them to play in an open crate or explore a carrier with treats placed inside. Taking this gradual approach prevents added stress or anxiety about confinement when it's time for the actual move.

Confirm hotel reservations

If you're planning to stay overnight in pet-friendly lodging during your move, be sure to confirm the hotel’s policies and any applicable pet fees when booking reservations. You’ll also want to verify that they have adequate outdoor areas for walks or exercise.

Keep rooms separate on a moving day

On the actual moving day, keep your pets in a quiet, closed room away from the heaviest activity. This prevents them from darting out exterior doors or having stressful run-ins with movers. It also protects them from possibly being underfoot while large pieces of furniture are being shuffled around.

Use soothing aids

Consider using calming aids like pheromone diffusers or calming treats to ease anxiety in pets during the hustle and bustle of moving. Introduce these well beforehand rather than right on a moving day so your animals have time to adjust. Your vet can provide recommendations on appropriate calming aids for your pets.

Pack a pet first aid kit

Keep a pet first aid kit on hand during travel to your new home, complete with things like bandages and disinfectants. This prepares you to tend to minor injuries or emergencies while on the road. Also, be sure to pack any regular medications your pet takes.

Watch for escape attempts

Pets are more apt to try and dash away from an unfamiliar or chaotic environment when doors open during a move. Be very cautious when movers or family members are entering or exiting the home on a moving day. Also, keep a close watch when loading or unloading animals from vehicles or crates.

Establish a safe room at the new home

When you arrive at your new house or apartment, set up a quiet room with your pet's familiar cushions, toys, food, and water. Keep them enclosed in this safe space when you’re coming and going with boxes and belongings. This limits the risk of an escaped pet getting disoriented outdoors in an unfamiliar neighborhood.

Explore the new digs together

Once the bulk of moving chaos dies down, take your pet on a tour around your new home and outdoor areas. Let them sniff around and get acquainted with the new spaces at their own pace. Keep them on a leash initially so they don't take off through an unexplored door or opening. Offer praise and treats for calm, adjusted behavior.

Transition slowly

Gradually transition pets onto their new routine over the first few weeks at your new home. Avoid abrupt food changes right away that could upset their stomach. Ease them into new walking routes, pet sitters or boarding facilities. Give them time to feel secure and relaxed in their new surroundings.

Moving with pets takes planning and preparation, but taking these steps helps make the transition smooth sailing. The key is providing lots of patience and TLC for your furry friends before, during, and after the move. With care and attention to their needs, your pets will settle happily into your new abode.


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