Is Scorching Earth Effect in a relationship real?

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Is Scorching Earth Effect in a relationship real?
The scorching earth effect originated from a military fighting strategy where soldiers used to burn crops, poison water sources, and destroy infrastructure

Is scorching earth effect in relationship harmful?

Yes, the scorching earth effect in a relationship is real, especially in 2024. The scorching earth effect originated from a military fighting strategy where soldiers used to burn crops, poison water sources, and destroy infrastructure so the enemy could not survive.

In a relationship, it is real as both partners want to destroy each other and defame publically. Sometimes they use social media to defame and criticize each other. It sometimes results in mental trauma and unnecessary pain to individuals. 

Hence it is advised not to use such things in your relationship. On the contrary, try to make your relationship a conscious one and solve the problems maturely so you can live happily with your partners. 


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