Finding Egg Donor Cost India: Decoding Embryo Donation Success Rates in India
Finding Egg Donor Cost India: Decoding Embryo Donation Success Rates in India
Explore the egg donor cost in India with high embryo donation success rates in India. Learn about combining IVF with donor eggs in India.

IVF (in vitro fertilization) is a procedure to treat infertile couples for a successful pregnancy. India is the best destination for many ART (assisted reproductive technology) methods including IVF. An IVF procedure is a treatment in which the gametes of the intended parents are retrieved with the help of advanced methods, and later fertilized inside a lab. These eggs will then be implanted inside the intended mother. Nowadays, infertility is a major issue worldwide, destroying the lives of married couples who want their biological baby. Couples who have been trying to conceive for more than a year without any positive outcome might be dealing with infertility issues. Many ART methods can help infertile couples get pregnant and conceive successfully. There are many IVF centres and hospitals in cities offering advanced treatment for infertility with a high success rate in India.

Many couples have poor quality or quantity of gametes resulting in pregnancy failure. IVF treatment can help couples with poor eggs or sperm to conceive successfully. For severe infertility issues, the doctor will recommend an egg donor for a successful pregnancy outcome. Egg Donor Cost in India are more affordable than in other developing or developed countries. The egg donor price in India is so much less than in countries like the UK and USA. Female egg donor price in India depends on the reputation of the clinic, previous client`s success rate, and the experience of the doctors. Using donor eggs for IVF procedures will increase the success rate as a healthy woman will provide good quality eggs. There will be no issue in the IVF treatment as the genetics of the baby will be from the intended father. The egg donor cost in India is INR 125,000. We Care IVF Surrogacy offers affordable female egg donor price in India with advanced care, qualified medical staff and comfortable treatment. Egg donor cost in India will increase after it is combined with the IVF procedure.

If the embryo is not healthy, using donor sperm or eggs will not solve the issue. Embryo donation is a highly effective method for a successful pregnancy. Embryo donation success rates in India are comparatively high as compared to other countries. Embryo donation has a high success rate because the healthy donated embryos are already fertilized.


What are the factors where an egg donor is recommended?

Couples who are dealing with severe unexplained infertility issues despite trying many procedures can look for egg donors. Egg donor cost in India will increase if the intended parents are older and their gamete`s quantity and quality are poor. The ability to produce healthy sperm or eggs will decrease at an advanced age, which results in lowering the chances of conception. A couple might need egg donor assistance if they have faced previous failed IVF cycles or any other ART methods due to poor gametes. Egg donor assistance can also be recommended if the intended parent has any kind of genetic or hereditary disorders to prevent it from transmitting to the newborn baby. Egg donor cost in India can increase if the intended parent is dealing with serious medical issues preventing the body from producing healthy sperm and eggs.

If the intended parent has blocked, damaged or broken fallopian tubes, then in that case sperm cannot reach and fertilize the egg. In this situation, IVF is the best method for conception. There are several other factors which can increase the female egg donor price in India. If the intended parent has faced previous unexplained miscarriages then they can opt for egg donor assist.

What does the donor egg IVF process involve in India?

The process of egg donor IVF process involves various steps with advanced technologies and procedures in the laboratory. The doctor will first start screening the intended parents and the egg donor with various tests and examinations to check the health and fertility condition. Egg donor cost in India will increase because of various factors like the mental, physical and genetic health of the intended couple and egg donor. The couple can choose a donor egg based on characteristics like eye, skin, hair colour and also the educational and family background of the egg donor.

The procedure starts when the expert gives hormonal medicines to the donor to help produce a high quality and quantity of eggs. The hormonal injection will stimulate egg production in the ovaries. During the same time, the intended female parent will receive fertility medicines to prepare the uterus for receiving fertilized eggs. The expert will retrieve eggs from the donor`s uterus with the help of a catheter and a fine needle by inserting it through the vagina. At the same time, the intended male parent will provide a sperm sample for the fertilization procedure. The expert will select healthy sperm from the sample of the intended male parent.

The ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) method will be used in the fertilization procedure by injecting healthy sperm into each egg. After five days, healthy embryos will be formed. Again with the help of a catheter, these embryos will be implanted inside the female partner`s uterus. These embryos will be carefully placed on the lining of the uterus. The expert will monitor the pregnancy test of the intended female parent through ultrasound and blood tests. After nine months the female partner will deliver a healthy baby either through normal vaginal delivery or a C-section delivery.


IVF helps infertile couples with assisted reproductive technologies like egg donors. Globally many couples are facing infertility issues causing various problems. Female egg donor price in India can increase due to various cases such as poor gamete quantity or quality, advanced age of the intended parents, previous failed miscarriages, previous failed IVF methods, previous failed ART methods, genetic disorders, etc. Egg donor cost in India are affordable as compared to other developed or developing countries. The donor egg IVF process involves screening, hormonal medicines, egg and sperm retrieval, fertilization procedure and embryo implantation. After nine months, the intended female parent will deliver a healthy baby either with a C-section or a normal vaginal delivery.



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