6 safety tips to follow while using room heaters at home
6 safety tips to follow while using room heaters at home
Heat is necessary, especially in winter. While you prefer snuggling up in your blanket and sipping hot beverages, your body feels the chills and looks for ways to regulate its temperature

Heat is necessary, especially in winter. While you prefer snuggling up in your blanket and sipping hot beverages, your body feels the chills and looks for ways to regulate its temperature. A quick solution to warming it instantly is to install room heaters at home. A good room heater protects you from the cold, keeps the area warm, prevents you from shivering constantly, and ensures you are not harmed.

If you want to buy one for yourself and your family, you will always hunt for the best features and price, and most importantly, check whether it follows the safety regulations. Here are safety tips for using it at home:

1.      Place it on the floor

One of the most basic safety requirements for a space heater is to place it on a level surface. You may want it to blow air right on your face, but this may not be a safe option. Placing it directly on the floor, not even a rug, will ensure safety. Refrain from using tables, stools, or wooden desks, as the heater may fall off and overheat.

2.      Store it away from water

Store the space heaters away from liquids, water, or any source of moisture. Never use them to dry clothes or bedsheets, as they could cause serious hazards, like catching fire and burning the fabric and your home.

3.      Keep it away from flammable objects

Keep your oil heater away from curtains, papers, furniture, pillows, and bedding. Also, ensure that flammable objects, such as paint and matches, are away from them. These objects should not fall on the heater when you are not around, as it is dangerous.

4.      Avoid leaving it unattended

If you have children or pets that require extra attention, it is best not to keep the electric oil heater within their reach. Avoid leaving them on throughout the night. If you need intense warmth, you should purchase them from reliable sources. Most oil heaters emit warmth even after you shut them off, making them energy efficient. Most importantly, overuse of these apparatus can create carbon monoxide poisoning, which may cause headaches, dizziness, weakness, etc.

5.      Ensure that it has safety features

Brands offering the best room heaters ensure they are loaded with safety features and that you are safe from hazards. They have an automatic on-off feature, which works according to the climatic conditions. The overheating sensors shut it off if the temperature soars. These features benefit everyone, especially senior citizens and children of employed parents.

6.      Check safety certification

Pick a space heater that has been certified, checked, and cleared for sale. If the product has passed stringent quality checks, you will know it is safe.


Ensure the space heater undergoes regular and stringent checks by service centre professionals. It should also be clean, well-maintained, and damage-free to support more extended life and appropriate heat.


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