What are the Various Applications of Radiotherapy?
What are the Various Applications of Radiotherapy?

Radiotherapy is utilized in the treatment of various types of cancer, including but not limited to lung, breast, prostate, head and neck, and cervical cancers. It can be used as a primary treatment, often combined with surgery or chemotherapy, or as a palliative measure to relieve symptoms in advanced-stage cancers.

As a primary treatment, Radiotherapy can be curative. It is used to eradicate localized tumors and prevent their recurrence. For example, breast cancer patients may undergo radiotherapy following surgical removal of the tumor to target any remaining cancer cells. Similarly, radiotherapy can be used to treat localized prostate cancer, where high-energy radiation is precisely delivered to the prostate gland.

In cases where complete eradication of cancer is not feasible, radiotherapy can be used palliatively to relieve symptoms and enhance the quality of life for patients. For instance, it can alleviate pain in patients with bone metastases or reduce the size of tumors obstructing vital structures, thereby restoring organ function and relieving associated symptoms.

Discover More- http://latestcmiblogs.weebly.com/article/radiotherapy-plays-a-crucial-role-in-the-management-of-brain-tumors


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