Spacesuit Evolution: From Mercury To Mars And Beyond
Spacesuit Evolution: From Mercury To Mars And Beyond
Self-Healing Materials: Researchers are exploring the use of self-healing materials in spacesuits to repair minor damages caused by micrometeoroids or sharp objects. This technology could extend the lifespan of spacesuits and reduce the need for repairs.

In order to keep astronauts alive and comfortable in the hostile environment of space, a spacesuit is a sophisticated system of clothes, apparatus, and environmental controls. It safeguards astronauts from the perils of space travel. Astronauts benefit much from spacesuits. Astronauts are shielded from intense heat and cold by their suits. Astronauts working in space can also breathe oxygen thanks to Spacesuit. Additionally, it shields astronauts from space dust injuries. Even the visor in the suit has a special gold coating to shield the astronaut's eyes from direct sunlight.

Wi-Fi and the fast GPS allow astronauts to access information about the spacecraft and their current location. They can give directions to the support teams on Earth or in space using augmented reality technologies. Astronauts often wear the communication carrier assembly (CCA), also referred to as the Snoopy cap and made up of headphones and microphones, below the head assembly of their Spacesuit. Using CCA, astronauts can hear and communicate with the rest of the crew. NASA has been engaged in a number of projects aiming at developing sophisticated communication support systems.

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