Keep Your Site Humming: Steps for Regular SEO Technical Checks
Keep Your Site Humming: Steps for Regular SEO Technical Checks
This article outlines proactive steps and best practices for regular technical SEO maintenance to keep your website humming optimally, like routinely checking site crawls, speed, indexation, optimizations, architecture, analytics and more. Consistent tune-ups sustain strong organic performance long-term.

Keep Your Site Humming: Steps for Regular SEO Technical Checks

Websites, like cars, require routine maintenance and tune-ups to keep performing at their best. When it comes to SEO, regular technical check-ins are essential for sustaining strong organic visibility and traffic over time.

Here are key steps to incorporate into your schedule for seo technical maintenance checks:

Change the Oil: Crawl Your Site

Just as regular oil changes are vital for engine health, comprehensive site crawls should be run periodically to uncover any crawler access issues or indexation blocks. Use tools like ScreamingFrog or DeepCrawl to identify and troubleshoot crawl errors, robots.txt barriers, and canonicalization issues.

Rotate the Tires: Check Page Speed

Racecar drivers rotate tires often to maintain grip. Similarly, routinely check page speed using PageSpeed Insights and WebPageTest. Diagnose slow pages and implement speed optimizations - enable compression/caching, defer non-critical JS, and optimize images. Rotate in new optimizations regularly.

Inspect the Brakes: Review Indexation

Mechanics check brake pads for wear and tear. Similarly, monitor indexation levels in the Search Console for changes. Compare indexed pages to an internal audit to catch issues. Submit new URLs for indexing, and address drops. Proper indexation is critical for visibility.

Install Upgrades: Layer in New Optimizations

High-performance vehicles receive new upgrades to improve speed and handling. Likewise, use technical reviews to identify new SEO optimizations to implement - refreshed content, expanded keywords, user experience testing, and schema markup. Consistent tune-ups reveal incremental improvements.

Check the Fluids: Monitor Ranking Volatility

Mechanics top up fluids like coolant and transmission oil. Similarly, check SERP movements using rank trackers. Identify unstable rankings and pages dropping. Diagnose root issues like website changes, thin content, and technical problems. Address volatility sources quickly.

Clean the Filters: Fix Technical Issues

Engine air filters trap dirt and debris over time. Likewise, technical issues like duplicate content, broken links, metadata errors, and HTTPS need to be cleaned up. Implement 301 redirects, and address crawler mismatches. Fix problems before they worsen.

Change the Spark Plugs: Update Site Architecture

Old spark plugs can cause poor engine performance. Similarly, re-assess site architecture as new content is added. Consolidate pages, improve the internal linking structure, and update navigation flows. This helps search bots crawl and index smoothly.

Review the Dash: Check Analytics

Racecar drivers constantly check their dash to ensure optimal performance. Similarly, closely monitor analytics for changes in organic KPIs like traffic, rankings, and landing page effectiveness. Address pages losing ground proactively.

Staying on top of your technical SEO vitals with consistent maintenance helps sustain a healthy, high-performance website built for the long haul. Don't let your site's foundations deteriorate over time – schedule regular technical check-ups!


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