Ensuring Your Next Website Redesign Is a Success: An Agency’s Perspective
Ensuring Your Next Website Redesign Is a Success: An Agency’s Perspective
From requirements gathering to optimization strategy to technical architecture, this article provides an agency perspective on key elements like establishing clear goals, designing for the future, robust infrastructure, integrated SEO and conversion principles, and ongoing collaboration needed to ensure a website redesign delivers maximum results.

Ensuring Your Next Website Redesign Is a Success: An Agency’s Perspective

For an agency like us, delivering a successful website redesign is the top priority. There are many elements that go into achieving an effective revamp that lifts key metrics for the business. Here is our perspective on setting up a redesign project for maximum impact.

Capturing Clear Goals and Requirements

The first step is fully understanding a client’s goals, target KPIs, pain points, and requirements for the new website.

Some key questions we ask:

  • What are the main reasons you are redesigning and metrics you want to improve? More traffic? Higher conversion rates?
  • Who are the core target audiences and what do they need from the site?
  • What limitations or issues exist with the current website?
  • How do users currently move through site flows and where are there drop-offs?
  • What functionality and integrations are needed to support operations?
  • What is the budget range for the project?

Solid requirements gathering provides the foundation for an optimized redesign.

Creating a Future-Proof Design Strategy

With requirements established, our design team strategizes the new website's information architecture, layouts, aesthetics, and features. The goal is to craft an on-brand, conversion-focused site aligned to usability best practices and tailored to the client’s needs and audiences. We focus on flexibility to accommodate future needs.

Some elements we address in the design strategy:

  • Site navigation menu structure and taxonomy
  • Optimized page layouts for conversion paths
  • Impactful and on-brand visual design
  • Crafting prototypes for new features or apps
  • Planning compelling content presentation
  • Mobile and responsive frameworks
  • Expandability for future capabilities

A thorough design strategy ensures the end website is primed for high performance.

Building on a Robust Technical Foundation

On the development side, our team engineers the backend website infrastructure to provide speed, security, scalability, and reliability as the client grows.

We handle:

  • Migrating sites to optimized CMS platforms like WordPress
  • Implementing security protections like SSL, firewalls, and access controls
  • Leveraging cloud hosting solutions that can scale with traffic
  • Tuning server performance for fast page loads
  • Building in redundancy to guarantee uptime
  • Headless architecture for flexibility
  • APIs to allow connections to other systems

The technical framework ensures the website can succeed now and in the future.

Integrating SEO and Conversion Optimization Principles

With the new site, we focus heavily on driving organic growth and converting visitors to customers. Our optimization work includes:

  • Technical SEO audits and fixes to avoid penalties
  • Optimizing site architecture, URLs, and metadata for discoverability
  • Generating targeted title tags and page descriptions
  • Producing focused, keyword-rich unique content
  • Schema markup implementation for rich results
  • Streamlining user journeys for lower bounce rates
  • Improving lead capture forms and checkout flows
  • Adding trust signals like security badges and testimonials

Baked-in SEO and conversion best practices boost measurable results.

Ongoing Optimization and Client Collaboration

The launch is just the beginning. We provide ongoing maintenance, optimization, training, and support. Post-launch, our experts track KPIs and continue refining them based on data and client feedback. Satisfaction through the entire engagement is our ultimate measure of redesign success.

Delivering quantifiable results is what website redesign is all about. With diligent effort across strategy, design, technology, and optimization, agencies like us can elevate your online presence to drive your organization’s success both now and in the future.



As an expert website redesign agency, NovoVision Agency can strategically revitalize your website for success through detailed requirements planning, optimized design, robust development, integrated SEO/conversion principles, and ongoing optimization.


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